Posted by LF RP Partner To Rp Our Lions

RottenBirdy (#150908)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-24 22:42:40
Hello, call me Rotten or Raven. I want to rp the lions in my den with someone else's lions.

I am literate (though rusty). I can write 200 - 2000 depending on muse. Though I think my fave amount to write is around 500 - 800 words. I would like to rp through pm's but threads work too. I kinda was hoping for semi-realistic (but we can add things like mxm, fxf, world without humans, etc).

Can Do:
---> mxm, mxf, fxf
---> Any maturity as long as you are appropriate age
---> Will play male and female characters
---> Can play multiple characters
---> Can play any theme

Comment or message me if interested!

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DisneyLuv_ (#146284)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-26 10:55:01
I’m interested in a roleplay like this. I haven’t done it before, but I also have a lot of roleplay experience. I’ve created personality bios for some of my characters already, but not all. Whenever I do romance or mature roleplay, I always do mxf because that’s all I’m comfortable with. I am also capable of playing multiple characters, with more experience on male characters than females. But I can roleplay females just fine as well. A little about me, I’m a Pisces, I have an addiction to this site, I’m 20 years old, and I still love Disney. Let me know what you think :)

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RottenBirdy (#150908)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-27 20:21:39
Hello Disney, it's nice to meet you! I'd love to rp with you :)
(both my parents are Pisces' while I'm a Scorpio lol)
Anyway's I'll drop a pm in a bit!

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