Posted by Limiting FPS on Serengeti Shuffle

Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-24 23:10:39
My laptop is fairly beefy, it is a Asus ROG Strix GL553VD with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 with 4GB of VRAM, Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU, 16GB of RAM, and and a 2TB Storage. Nice, right?

Except when I play Serengeti Shuffle, my laptop kicks into high gear like I'm playing World of Warcraft or Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Why is it taking up 50% to 90% of my CPU?

Example #1 - Fullscreen On
Example #2 - Fullscreen Off
Example #3 - Shuffle on Pause
Example #4 - After Task Is Killed

Reference Picture - In this Picture I have 20+ Tabs open and am watching a Twitch livestream at 1080p80.

I've contacted support before and they didn't give me any specific answers as to why this was happening. A fellow IT friend was watching me play one day and asked why weren't the frames limited? It had never occured to me that the FPS (frames per second) was unlimited and was causing the problem of excessive CPU usage.

Advantages of Limited FPS
- Capping frame rate reduces jitter
- Reduces the load on your GPU
- Decreased energy consumption
- Decreased heat production
- Decreased noise (and heat from fans)
- No GPU resources wasted
- Overall improves laptop and mobile gameplay

Cons of Limited FPS
- Screen tearing more apparent
- Framerate will drop from 60 or set amount (opposed to a higher starting framerate)

So wait. What is unlimited FPS? It means that the PC will try and render as many frames per second as fast it can. It will put extra stress on the machine to get as many as it possibly can into that second. The PC will keep pushing for the best without stopping at a certain amount of frames. Usually it'll exceed the screen refresh rate.

From experience there's no real reason to have unlimited or uncapped FPS. The only use of it is just to have it for kicks of making a game look smoother or if you have a really high end PC that can handle it. But I don't see any good reason why a mini game should have unlimited range.

- Proposal -
I suggest that there should be a kind of setting cog accessible in the Shuffle Game which allows you to adjust between capped and uncapped FPS usage. Or there could be a setting in the accounts menu to preset the FPS for all games. That way people can still choose between their preference.

Edit: Let me know in the comment section any suggestions or why you disapprove. Please note I intend to respect all arguments or disagreements about my suggestion.

This suggestion has 63 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 31/07/18 @ 12:37:23 by Sicarian (#86672)

Calix (#4975)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-26 12:56:18
This is a strange issue- I tested it myself and my cpu increased by 2-5% while playing, but otherwise remained stable. But I see why not to limit the framerate if some users are having issues.

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 18:12:52

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Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-28 01:26:35
Thanks Khaddad and Rabe & Tox

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Pain and Suffering (#93497)

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Posted on
2018-08-07 12:48:20
SS is like Half Life 4. Runs on Unreal Engine 128

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