Posted by Aetherclan (Warrior Cats RP) [Sign-up!]

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-27 17:39:20

Main Roleplay Thread


Find the two codewords hidden in the rules for the "Other:" section!
*Only Clan admins can be Starclan warriors!
*Aetherclan is Skyclan, but renamed. Reason included in Lore section in Main RP thread

Need warriors! Apprentices closed for now.


Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan):
Fur Length:
Disabilities(Realistic to survival):
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here.


Follow this link to see the current cast, status, and upcoming events!
* Make sure to not use a name used by another character.


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:08 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:03:49
Name: Silvermist
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 40 at death
Rank: Starclan warrior
Looks (Img or description): Black tom with startling blue eyes, starlight glimmers in his fur
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): One of the first Skyclan cats to live by the lake
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Long and feathery
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: One long across his right eye, three slashes at his left shoulder, and a deep scar at the back of his neck
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: When alive, Silvermist was a playful tom who loved playing with other cats. He was loyal, strong, and to everyone's surprise, loved bathing. He always had a mystical air to him, and always had a strong connection with Starclan. He knew weeks in advance before he died, that he would die. A group of rogues attacked a queen out on a walk, and Silvermist gave his life defending her. As his spirit joined the ranks of Starclan, he grew wiser. While he still enjoys doing things he enjoyed in life, he now knew much more than he did before. He receives prophecies, and pass them onto his living Clanmates.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Easily confused
- Stubborn
- Bad at communicating
- Impatient
- Impulsive
Strengths (5+):
+ Fierce
+ Eager to help
+ Stands up for the weak
+ Playful
+ Loyal
Mate: Deceased
Siblings: Deceased
Other: You know what to put here. Ja Vi Elske Dette Landet (Norway) February Event

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Dreamspace (#149022)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:28:21
Name: Rubypaw
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 8
Rank: Medicine cat (if possible)
Looks (Img or description): He's a dusty red like tom with splotches of darker brownish/red and Paler tan. His eyes are a faded yellow. and his nose is oddly red.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Originally was a loner's kit, but after a travel to the clans he found himself in love with their way of life and ran off to find them when he got older. By 6 moons he was training under their current medicine cat (random name -->) Fernpool
Sexuality: G a y
Fur Length: Medium
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: One along his left eye that trail from his eyebrow (eyebrow??) to his lower cheek beside his chin.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Nada
Personality: a Grumpy tom, smart mouth, snarky, yet tolerable.
Weaknesses (5+):
Snarky attitude
Impatient (sorry some of them are the same as your example I ran outta words to use to describe ;3;)
Sorta Lazy
Strengths (5+):
Good at realizing problems
Helpful when he puts in the effort to be
Loyal to his clanmates (despite his rude remarks)
Mate: Nope
Siblings: Labella (rogue) open Thomas (Kitty pet) open
Other: The Star Spangled Banner September Event

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Edited on 15/11/18 @ 19:10:33 by Tokyo (#149022)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:30:05

Name: Firepetal

Gender: female

Age (Moons): 24 Moons

Rank: warrior

Looks (Img or description): firepetal is a beautiful orange cat with dark web stripes all over her body. Her fur is long and silky, helping her stay warm during the cold winter. She is a medium-sized cat with strong back and front legs. Firepetal's tail is long and fluffy

Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Skyclan

Sexuality: bisexual

Fur Length: long and silky

Disabilities: none atm

Scars: a nasty scar on her flank and left arm

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none atm

Personality:firepetal is a confident and snarky she-cat who acts like she is better than everyone else. This cat has a hard time listening to others and often tries to do as she pleases, thinking she knows best. Though firepetal does have a soft and kind side it only comes out when needed.

Weaknesses (5+):
-over confident
-know it all

Strengths (5+):

Mate: open

Mother: Pigeonspeck open
Father: Molegaze open
Brothers: Frogkit, Oakkit, alderkit dead
Sisters:: sunkit, Ravenpaw,applekit dead

Other: the star spangled banner October event

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Edited on 29/07/18 @ 23:24:04 by 🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

◇ Kitan [G1
Solaris] ◇ (#130811)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:31:53
Name: Stormwhisper
Age (Moons):25 Moons

Looks (Img or description): Calico with green eyes and a fluffy white belly and small white paws with a little orange spot next to her nose. I tried my best to recreate my image of her in the lion wardrobe

Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Her mother was a kittypet that ran away when she realized she would have kits and gave them up to the Clans way of life (slightly similar to Sasha)
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Short but thick
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: Across the nose and a clipped left ear
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):None
Personality: Stormwhisper is generally kind and generous, she agrees and cooperates with other cats and works hard to achieve her goals. But if faced with someone who is morally wrong, is not afraid to say that she won't stand for them and doesn't care about hurt feelings if they are in fact hurting someone else. She is faithful and loyal to her friends and isn't against helping strangers.
Weaknesses (5+):
Risk taker
Oblivious (sometimes)
Cold (sometimes)
Strengths (5+):
Mate: Open
Siblings: Frostbreeze (killed by foxes)
Other: Star spangled banner and January event

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Edited on 08/08/18 @ 02:02:19 by Kitan8675 (#130811)

milk&cookies (#70268)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:38:37
Name: Tinybird
Age (Moons): 45 Moons
Rank: Queen <3
Looks (Img or description): A very small she-cat with beautiful long white fur and bright blue eyes.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Was the daughter of a kittypet and ex-skyclan warrior
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Long fluffy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Slightly impaired hearing to fit her description
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Milkfur is very wise, quiet and reserved. She often will take the more peaceful route and go about things without a fuss. She is quick to love others and very often will take younger cats beneath her wings and act as their mothers if they’re absent In their lives. It’s her duty to make sure everyone feels loved.
Weaknesses (5+):
Easily attached to other cats

Strengths (5+):

Mate: Bearstomp (deceased )
Siblings: Polarfrost (deceased)
Other: Star Spangled Banner, June Event

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 09:49:02 by milkymilk (#70268)

Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:45:38
Hi! I'm excited to try and join another rp. I used to play a cat a long time ago in a different roleplay on this site. If you want a link to it, I'd be happy to provide one. :))

Name: Sootstep (soot for his gray pelt, step for his fast movements)
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 27 moons old
Rank: warrior :)
Looks: (drawn by my friend a while ago c: )
Heritage: Rogues from a region along the shore
Sexuality: Straight / heterosexual
Fur Length: His main coat is long yet fluffy. It doesn't have much bulk as it is more or less few hairs puffed out into a cotton-ball like pelt. His tail is also feathery and soft.
Disabilities: n/a
Scars: He has a long scar along the right side of his shoulder, wrapping around to the front of his neck. It is barely visible as his hair has grown around it and covers it for the most part.
Accessories: n/a
Personality: He's a fairly soft spoken tom who respects rules over pretty much anything else. He takes a long time to formulate ideas as he plays with all outcomes in his head before even suggesting an idea. He dismisses the ideas of others that he finds illogical which makes him come off as a rude cat.
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Physically, he is strong at running, hunting, and he has strong eyesight; while he lacks in hunting based off of precision, has no idea how to fish, and has a bad sense of smell. He is okay at fighting though would prefer to battle it out with insults.
Mate: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Other: Polish anthem and the March event

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 10:42:11 by Cobia (#95963)

WolfCatHybrid (#116477)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 22:04:58
Name: Hawkpaw
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 8 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Brown with a lighter underbelly and white paws. Has hazel eyes
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Raised by loners in twoleg place. Struck out on his own at 6 moons (who let this baby wander off??), found and joined clan
Sexuality: Bi Ace
Fur Length: Short, scruffy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Not really a disability but has an awful sense of smell
Scars: He has a large, obvious bite mark about halfway down his tail
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None!
Personality: Prickly, has a hard time getting to know folks. The few times he does try to get to know people, it comes across as really stuffy and stiff so he just. Doesn't really try. The fact that he joined a clan still baffles him. Comes across as really distant but most likely to mutter puns under his breath. Mature for his age.
Weaknesses (5+):
-Has a hard time getting to know and relate to others, even when hes really actually trying
-Has no respect to those he considers undeserving of ordering him around
-emotionally stunted
Strengths (5+):
-Genuinely wants to protect clan
-Determined to learn
-Respects authority/orders (if he believes cat issuing orders is deserving of authority)
-(Secretly) passionate about clan life
-Has a strong moral sense
Mate: He is a teenager and thus a baby
Siblings: Frog and Toad, his littermates who still live as loners in twoleg place. He hasn't seen them in a while, and doesn't really feel the need to seek them out.
Other: I only know the american anthem and it (america) sucks. March event.

I'm going to be out of town until next sunday. I should still have access to lioden, but I won't be able to interact as often as I will later. Normally I wouldn't send in a sheet until I was back, but considering the limited spaces I wanted to be sure to get one.

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Edited on 29/07/18 @ 22:39:53 by WolfCatHybrid (#116477)

Faded Valor (#146419)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-07-29 23:10:50
Name: Owlheart
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 19
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Medium to large she cat with golden fur, spotted with brown. She has brown stripes around her legs and tail and brown speckles over the rest of her body. Her eyes are large and yellow, and she has long, sharp black claws.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Descendant of loners who joined the clan
Sexuality: Bisexual, but repressed
Fur Length: Fluffy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: Patch of missing fur on her throat that is revealed when she raises her head.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Stubborn, passionate, rash, respectful of authority but a bender of rules.
Weaknesses (5+): Often too quick to act, Proud, Overly protective of her family and friends, Unstable personality, Extreme mood swings
Strengths (5+): Long, sharp black claws that she is skilled in using, Good with kits, Large paws for walking on snow, Webbed toes for swimming, Thick fur protects her from cold and some more minor injuries
Mate: Hailstorm
Siblings: Moontail, Flutterwing, Stormrage
Other: You know what to put here. American, June event

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 00:03:50 by Faded Valor (#146419)

cheetah (#148010)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 23:40:28
Name: DustClaw
Gender: Tom
Age (Moons): 32
Rank: Deputy
Looks (Img or description): brown fur with dark brown stripes and a lighter brown underbelly with small socks and one bigger sock on his front left leg that are the same color as the belly, sky blue eyes and big black claws.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): he was born in AetherClan
Sexuality: gay :3
Fur Length: long and ruffled
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): blind in one eye
Scars: one big star on his face that cut his eye and he is blind in that eye, a claw mark on his shoulder and a bite mark on his tail.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): nope
Personality: he is a loner and has some anger problems, he is a little too loyal and will do anything to complete a task, anything, his sister died from a forest fire and his biggest regret is not saving her.
Weaknesses (5+):anti-social, anger, past regret, can and will kill to complete a task (if it involves murder), blindness (physicly and mentally.
Strengths (5+): large claws, great at fighting, loyal, decent hunter, has survived lots of battles with scars to prove it.
Mate: none, but he maybe intrested in a tom ;3
Siblings: FoxPaw (dead X'( )
Other: my least favorete lioden event was this months event
o Canada

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 15:13:36 by cheetah (#148010)

Skymoare | G2 x4 Ros
Const (#151482)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 07:03:52
Name: Blazeshadow
Gender: male
Age (Moons): 23
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): His fur is night-black, and grey underbelly. Long overbites and amber eyes that blaze like fire.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Was formerly living as rouge, then joined clan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: short, and slick
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): somethings are fuzz when looking with only his left eye
Scars: A slash over his left eye
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none
Personality: He is fierce, and bold. Has a kill first, ask questions later personality. Blazeshadow believes that he lives to fight, fight to live

Weaknesses (5+):
easily angered
likes to kill
Likes to fight
Wants nothing but power
Loyal to only the leader and deputy

Strengths (5+):
Powerful fighter
Willing to fight to the death for his clan

Mate: none
Siblings: Nightshade, Bloodfang
Other: You know what to put here. 義勇軍進行曲 (China); July event.

Is this good? My first RP in Lioden.

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 09:11:27 by Skymoare (#151482)

Moonwing [Cherry
Blos 2RosPie] (#136372)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 08:21:52
Name: Fernstar
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 24
Rank: Leader if possible
Looks (Img or description): A large light grey tabby with fern green eyes, white paws and a white underbelly
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Descendant of rogues and loners who joined the Clan
Sexuality: Demisexual
Fur Length: Medium
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: A nick in her ear, and a long scratch across her back are the major ones
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Fernstar is a fiery she-cat, who can be a bit arrogant. She is smart and sly, and friendly. She cares deeply for her Clan, and is loyal to a fault. She can be cruel, and merciless to others from outside the clan who she considers a threat, and is a skilled fighter. She can be a bit manipulative, because she likes to be in control.
Weaknesses (5+):
-Loyal to a fault
-quick to judge
-a bit manipulative
Strengths (5+):
-thinks ahead
Mate: None
Siblings: None
Other: Ha, none. The German one is okay?? And I havent been here a long time, but so far its the March event.

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 08:27:12 by Moonwing (#136372)

Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-30 08:36:52
Name: Leopardblossom
Gender: Female/She-cat
Age (Moons): 22
Rank: Queen (I contacted an Admin)
Looks: Her coat is a dark caramel color with leopard-like spots and a few stripes. Her eyes can be viewed as a light blue. She is usually slim and lithe but due to her being pregnant she isn't t as slim as usual.
Origin: Leopardblossom was a former kittypet named Cleo. Her twolegs abandoned her when she became pregnant.
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories: N/A
Personality: Leopardblossom is a soft-spoken and often shy she-cat with a big heart, however, she won’t hesitate to defend herself or her friends when needed. Her sense of humor is a bit flat but at least she tries. She has an insatiable hunger for knowledge but, she can also be forgetful at times. She loves her kits more than anything and she hasn’t even met them yet! She has no idea what to name them either...
Weaknesses (5+):
-She has little to no fighting skills.
-Her gained weight has made her slower.
-Her kind heart leads to her getting her feelings hurt a lot.
-She questions EVERYTHING whether she mentions it or not.
-She is extremely stubborn.
Strengths (5+):
-Quick Witted.
-Kind Hearted.
-Her sense of hearing is impeccable.
-She has become quite the hunter in her short time as a stray before she found Aetherclan.
Mate: The sire or her kits is a stray tom named Barron. But she has not found her forever mate.
Siblings: Kittypets: Pixie, Sansa, and Alice.
Other: Bilady, Bilady, Bilady (Egypt), The August Event (Droughts & Fires)
+She is about 2 ½ moons into her pregnancy. I read that they usually last 3 moons.

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Edited on 30/07/18 @ 10:19:07 by Shyann (#131214)

Samhain (#50471)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 09:24:11
Name: Dusklight
Gender: Tom
Age (Moons): 36 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks: A tall, broad shouldered, brown tabby tom with dark stripes and icy blue eyes. His muzzle and chest are a pale cream, which helps soften his dark and somewhat intimidating appearance. Both his ears are tipped white, one showcasing a small notch.
Origin: The offspring of loners, Dusklight was given to the clan as a kit, too young to make the journey to a new home with his birth parents.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fur Length: Long and fluffy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: Many minuscule scars are scattered throughout his pelt. The biggest is a large gash across his neck.
Accessories: None
Personality:Contrary to his appearance, Dusklight is not simply a rough natured cat. He is known to be flirtatious and extremely extroverted with his clan mates. He is not afraid to voice his opinion and does not fear the reactions or backlash of others, gaining him the reputation of a stubborn hot-head. He is loyal to a fault, doing anything in his power to help and protect his clan. Dusklight is best known as a flirt, showing interest with bold gestures and sweet words.
Weaknesses (5+): Immature, Stubborn, Rash, Sluggish, Forward
Strengths (5+): Loyal, Spirited, Extroverted, Sturdy, Confident
Mate: None
Siblings: None
Other: Amhrán na bhFiann, May Event

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BluCricket (#151217)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 12:30:58
Name: Bumbleberry
Gender: female
Age (Moons): 30 moons
Rank: med cat
Looks (Img or description): caramel brown color with darker brown speckles and spots covering her body.. she has a light brown colored under belly and bright amber eyes
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): she joined the clan as a young rogue named Bumble
Sexuality: straight
Fur Length: short and fluffy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): none
Scars: none
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): would a flower by her ear work? if it does not then no accessories
Personality: she is always willing to help anyone out and is always kind and friendly to others.. but she can get annoying when she does not do what she is told or does the wrong thing.. she does not talk much but she can be immature sometimes.
Weaknesses (5+):
- can't fight or hunt
- sometimes slow
- annoying sometimes
- antisocial
- immatue
Strengths (5+):
- healing
- helpful
- loyal
- trustworthy
- organization

Mate: none she's a med cat
Siblings: none
Other: I have no idea was to put here sorry.. ;-;

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 12:32:55

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Edited on 31/07/18 @ 17:38:46 by *Dreaming~Paradise* (Dixie) (#71738)

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