Posted by Clan Hoard Idea

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 21:41:22
Welcome! So some players have been complaining in the chatbox about having to pick an item out of the hoard one by one.

I, personally, find this very annoying, especially when it’s the same item, for example: 45 Labradorite Gems are in the clan hoard, and I have to take them all out one by one to do a hoard cleaning, and that is NOT fun!

What I’m proposing is being able to get items out of hoard in a quantity if there is an unlimited amount of times you can do it (say you’re an owner/admin)

If there isn’t an unlimited amount it should say something such as this:
“Oops! You can only take [insert number here] items per day!”

If you successfully take out whatever you wanted in a quantity, it should say something like this:
“Success! You’ve taken 45 Gem: Labradorite out of the Clan Hoard!”

I’ll try to make some mockups soon. Sorry if someone’s already posted this! Instead of no supporting, tell me how to fix my mistakes! Thanks for considering! <3

More than just me want to make this known! Go check out this suggestion!

This suggestion has 59 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 03/09/18 @ 09:49:55 by starfruit [with a lowercase s] (#112180)

Telly| x3 Rose,
daedal, ice (#51014)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 21:42:42
I need this now

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-09-03 09:30:47
This would be sO HeLPFuL YEeSS

I am so tired of having to take one thing at a time and get all the junk out of the Clan hoard 25 page reloads later. I just make free raffles for hoard cleanouts but that cuts off funds for the Clan and it takes so much time anyway but YES WE NEED THIS HOLY HECK

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