Posted by Cub Training In User Log

Sasa [🐅] (#30698)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 21:33:44
Exactly what the title says. Adding what a cub gets on its daily training from 5-11 months of age.

Example: Cub (#ID here) trained to pounce and was successful! + 7% Training! // Cub (#ID here) trained to pounce and failed.

(Somehow mention the specific action you clicked on due to the specific stat it increases. Stats are generally related to what you ask the cub to do.)

This will help people who like calculating possible stat gains on trained adols that were not documented.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/07/18 @ 21:39:35 by Sasa [🐅] (#30698)

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