Posted by Searching for a RP Partner!

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-07-31 23:14:48

About Me:
Hiya! So, I've been recently in quite a few roleplays, but they eventually die out or everyone becomes uninterested with replying anymore so... Here I am! I'd much prefer to roleplay on Discord rather than on Lioden, due to availability and me always having my phone on me rather than carrying my computer everywhere. I reply very frequently and will let someone know if I won't be able to reply the next day, unless I have a day where my mental health is thrown out of the window. I have a very considerable experience in writing and would love to meet someone with the same interest in roleplaying as I do! I am able to do mature roleplays!

-You must be at least semi-literate.
-Decent grammar, enough that I can understand your replies.
-Do not roleplay using '*', it's a personal preference of mine.
-Roleplays shall take place on Lioden or Discord only. (Discord preferred)

Pairings I Will Do:
FxF (A little rusty, just as a warning)

Species I will RP:
-Feral animals
-Anthropomorphic animals (Not very often)
-Human/Humanoids (Preferred)
-If you'd like to recommend anything else, feel free!

RP Ideas:
-Police x Criminal (Potential Dark Theme)
-Predator x Prey (Potential Dark Theme)
-God x Human
-Vampire x Priest
-Superhero x Supervillan
-Werewolf x Human
-Student x Teacher
-Angel x Demon
-Angel x Human
-Demon x Summoner
-Assassin x Victim (Potential Dark Theme)
-Forbidden Love
-Forced Marriage
-Prince/Princess x Servant
-Master x Servant
-Boss x Assistant
-Trainer x Trainee
-Doctor x Patient
-Bodyguard x Guarded
-Accidental Marriage or Pregnancy

What I refuse to RP:
-Canon characters (Possible Exceptions)
-Pedophilia/Incest/Rape Scenes/Etc.


Discord or Lioden:



Roleplay Idea: (Plot-wise, what are you looking for? You can choose from the list, or propose your own idea!)

Example of your average response: (Whilst I appreciate the long examples, I'd prefer you show me what you write on average.)

Trigger(s): (Please include if you are okay with gore, as I am keen to describe it! If it's something that makes you uncomfortable, I'll avoid it, but I advise that you do not pick the 'dark themes'.)

Copy the form, and fill it out! Don't forget to remove the '*'!

If I like your form, I will either PM you or post a reply! Remember, I will choose a couple people who I think will be great partners. Don't take it personal if you aren't picked!

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 19:09:41 by SASSHOLE [WCU] (#66075)


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Posted on
2018-07-31 23:31:52
Discord or Lioden: Discord

Pairing: MxF, FxF

Species: Anthropomorphic animals (preferably, but I may be open to humans if pursuaded)

Roleplay Idea: Student x Teacher, Assasin x Victim, or Bodyguard x Guarded

Example of your average response:
As the sun's gilded fingers caressed the blue horizon, Serscie began to stir from underneath her haven of covers. The comfort of her bed was almost enough to lull her back into a state of repose. However, she was unable to drift back into slumber. Her eyelids fluttered into consciousness, viridescent optics taking in the sight of the honey-etched cerulean skies. For a few moments, she lay there, gazing in reverence at the beauty she was able to witness. From their loft in such a towering building, it was almost as if she would be able to lace her fingers through the clouds. Serscie longed to step into the billow of cloud and ascend into the heavens of the skies above.
Rising from her sleeping area with a yawn, she stretched, attempting to rouse her muscles. An early riser, she had awoken at the untimely hour of 4 AM, and for no particular reason at that. It just seemed like a much more practical time, she surmised. After all, waking up early leaves more time in the day to take part in leisurely activities. However, she supposed she should find an occupation sometime soon. Her part of the rent needed to be paid.
Exiting her room, she was greeted by the sight of the living room, delightfully unoccupied. Gingersnap had yet to emerge as she was the only one up at such an ungodly time. Moving to the kitchen, Serscie set up some coffee for her roommate. He did pay for a good amount of the rent, she reckoned that he deserved compensation of some sort. Leaving the caffeinated drink to brew, she departed in order to head to the bathroom.
(More examples can be provided.)

Trigger(s): I do not have any particular triggers, and am alright with gore!

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-01 00:53:15
I'd say I'd RP, but you don't keep up ;)

Jk I love you sis

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 00:56:16 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866)

Sword Art Online (#149469)

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Posted on
2018-08-01 13:09:14
Discord or Lioden: Discord
Pairings: MxF
Species: Human
Rp idea: Student/Teacher
Example of average response: Madison sighed nervously as she walked down the unfamiliar hallway to her first class, she looked down at her paper to see where her first class was and what the room number was. She suddenly bumped into somebody,"I'm so sorry. I'm new here and a bit lost, can you help me," she stammered.
Triggers: none

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Cam (#151099)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-08-01 18:53:13
Discord or Lioden: Discord.

Pairing: Usually MxM, sometimes FxM

Species: Humans or Anthros- though I'm better with humans.

Roleplay Idea: I feel bad just picking myself, because I seem to like most of the ideas. We can discuss them if you ever end up pming me!

Example of your average response: I have two styles, a semi literate or a very dramatic, descriptive. I tend to stay up late though- so my roleplay might lack if I'm tired. This is what I can usually do when I have enough to work with- I can gladly show you my very descriptive one if you'd like over disc.

I didn’t do it.
The large metal doors slid open with a click, and the shape of two guards could be made out from across the yard.
It’s not my fault.
A younger male soon came into view, sandwiched between the taller prison workers- his head bowed in shame, or was that exhaustion?
Im not supposed to be here.
He was young, it wasn’t crazy to assume he hadn’t even graduated college yet. Too young almost- for his mother still considered him some school boy, the look on her face when she learned her precious boy’s fate was enough to shatter him- though he had already been ruined, that was for sure.
Ruined by him.
The very thought of him made Lucien’s blood boil, he put him here and he ruined his life.
The two guards sat him in a metal chair before briskly exchanging a few words. Within moments they were gone- off to go torment some other inmate.
He showed no signs of even processing where he was, his once intense gaze now dulled and empty. Lucien wasn’t himself, no one here was.
Tightening his grip on the metal armrests, his breath caught in his throat.
Lucien had made rules for himself, he had to- they were the only thing keeping him sane, if he even was anymore.
He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t speak unless spoken to, he wouldn’t fight, he wouldn’t make himself known.
After all- he was different. Him being here was one big mix up. Lucien wasn’t mad, he didn’t do anything.
No, no.
He was framed.

Trigger(s): Gore is fine. As of now I cannot come up with anything I find triggering- I will gladly tell you if anything does.

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Tomas (#145376)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 00:38:41
Discord or Lioden: Discord

Pairing: Any, I really do not mind.

Species: human 

Roleplay Idea: (Plot-wise, what are you looking for? You can choose from the list, or propose your own idea!) Student x Teacher or Trainer x Trainee

Example of your average response: (Whilst I appreciate the long examples, I'd prefer you show me what you write on average.)

For my responses, it will depend on how much information you give me. My response will be around the same as yours. Here is an example of a my usual short response:

Zen smiled at the troubled boy in front of him. "I could help you if you want," He smiled. "I have experience with cuts." He bent down, and examined the wound. It was not deep, but it had a lot of blood. Zen took out his water bottle and a cloth. He dumped some water on the cloth and brought it to the wounded leg before him. To ask for consent, he looked up at the crying boy.

Here is a longer response:

Birds chirped outside of Zen's room, informing him it was the break of day. A light breeze danced into his room, tickling his face. The smell of dust, smoke and sweat hung in the air. Slowly, Zen heaved himself off his bed, his arms aching. The bed sheet crinkled as his legs retracted to his chest. He took in a deep breath, admiring the scent of his home. He ran a hand through his silky onyx coloured hair, and placed his feet on the floor. The bamboo wood sent shivers up Zen's pale back. Wood creaked in protest as Zen padded his way through the house. White, blank walls stared at him as he made his way to the bathroom.

The lapis coloured tiles were even colder than the wood floors, making Zen hiss. On the opposite wall, there was a fairly large mirror with a pearl sink. Coffee cupboards storing various beauty products were lined with gold. Next to Zen was a pure white bathtub, also lined with gold. On his left was an ivory toilet and a fluffy towel. Zen tugged at his boxers, making them fall. He turned on the bath, making warm water splash everywhere. A toe touched the water nervously, making sure Zen could enter without burning himself. Sighing in relief, he slipped himself in the water, which enveloped him in a warm hug. Zen let out another sigh, but this time out of content.

Trigger(s): (Please include if you are okay with gore, as I am keen to describe it! If it's something that makes you uncomfortable, I'll avoid it, but I advise that you do not pick the 'dark themes'.) I do not have any triggers apart from lgbtphobic slurs

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🐸🍃 (#59520)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 19:28:09

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 22:33:35 by 🍃🐸 MysticDoodle 🐸🍃 (#59520)

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