Hello, people of the earth!
I (a fellow human bean) am searching for a literate, experienced,
long-term roleplay partner willing to engage in a medieval-ish RP with some fantasy/ sci-fi elements. My personal preference would be to RP over Notes, be it here on Lioden or DeviantArt. I will do my best to reply to you within a week but be warned that I am a slow writer and have a life.
Feel free to PM me with an RP example and your preferences if you are interested in RPing with lil me!
> About me
-> I RP in the past tense, third person
-> I do 2/3 Paragraphs depending on the situation
-> Central European time zone
-> I'm a sucker for Mythology (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Aboriginal etc.)
-> I usually RP female human or canine characters
>What I am looking for
-> Some sci-fi or fantasy elements (I'm more experienced in the latter)
-> Medieval-ish setting (Anything up to the 19th century if fine)
-> Action and Adventure with a sprinkle of magic
-> Proper grammar
-> Mature themes (Violence/gore, death, emotional stress, philosophy etc.)
>What I am NOT looking for
-> Fluff or smut
-> Forced romance
-> Canon characters
-> God-modding
-> Script style
-> Slice of life
-> Flat characters and rainbow dogs
>(Old) RP example
->Gamli only remembered falling. He remembered the earth drawing closer as his limp form plummeted like a comet from the sky. Then only darkness. Like the midnight cloak of the night, the blackness had draped itself over his mind. Smothering every thought until there was no room left to think. It was then that he had drifted into unconsciousness. But somehow he had survived. True, every inch of his body was ablaze with pain, but he was living and breathing. Slowly Gamli opened his eyes. For a moment he was disorientated. Too many sensations enveloped his body. It was the sheer impact of physicality; the sounds, the sight, the colors…
Half-blinded by the bright light Gamli blinked a few times before his silver flecked orbs adjusted to his new surroundings. What he saw was not to his liking. Around him, his companions lay in various positions of disarray. For a moment he feared they were dead, but with no small amount of relief, he noticed the fallen gods stir. Barely suppressing a cry of pain Gamli slowly straightened himself up to his full height. It would not do to appear weak right now. Though bruised and disheveled, he stood proudly. Gamli was not one for finery or courtesies. While the other Gods and Goddesses had draped themselves in fine fabrics and gems he had stuck to the old ways. Worst of all they had abandoned their true names and had chosen whatever new word sparked their fancy. Gamli took in the large room in a single glance, noting possible escape routes and the position of the guards. A dozen guards stood at attention at either side of a large throne. It was made out of ebony wood and carved with intricate details. Gold ornamentation lined the high back and armrests. But what caught his eye was the child sitting atop the magnificent throne. The human seemed to be female and spoke with an insolence in her voice that Gamli was not used to. His hawk-like gaze fixed on her smug face.
By now the others had fully woken up. Gathering what little dignity they had left the fallen gods stood like defiant children, huddled together while throwing insults at their captor. A quiet rage overcame him. It drew across his face like a thunderstorm. Taking a deep controlled breath he calmed his mind. Anger would not help them now. The situation was less than ideal but he had to make the best out of it -he always did. Using what little strength he had left, Gamli made each of his companions look taller, stand a little prouder and seem less disheveled. It was a little trick he had found to be useful in such situations.
Usually, such a minor illusion would have been an easy feat even at his weakest.
Now, it seemed to drain his body of all energy.