Posted by Overcasted Skies | A Warrior Cats RP

miyou [g1 5x dawn 2x
rosette] (#92001)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 21:06:13

"тняσυgн тнε мιѕт ωε яιѕε"

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With the recent fires that have spread across the one peaceful lands that both CloudClan and FogClan lived upon, CloudClan has been forced to relocate to where they are now. Although rebuilding has started, they have... strangely lost sight of FogClan. Where could the mysterious clan of gone?

Despite their worry, they have decided against trying to explore the pine forest that they lived in.

Welcome to Overcasted Skies, a Discord-based RP featuring two clans; the passive, laid-back warriors of CloudClan and the mysterious, battle-toughened warriors of FogClan. They reside together in relative peace. Perhaps you're a well-acquainted warrior of either of the two clans, or maybe just a traveler, but we welcome you and hope you will stay around awhile!

CloudClan cats have a large variety of traits, such as size, pelt color, fur length, due to the many loners and kittypets that they allow to bring into their clan. However, due to their distant SkyClan ancestry, those that are related to those that originally came with Cloudstar have two distinct traits from the rest of the clan: powerful hind legs and tough, gray paw-pads.

They are renounced for their mellow, passive personalities, although not every cat follows this stereotype. While optimistic and cheerful, they don't hide the fact that in some places, the grass isn't as green, and won't hesitate to band together to take on threats such as rogues, foxes, and badgers.

FogClan, on the other hand, tend to have more thick-furred warriors, with pelt colors ranging from black to white and dark browns. However, they do allow some outsiders in, thus creating variety within the clan, such as color points, cream cats, and calicos. They have long front claws, fit for scaling trees, and usually are rather large in comparison to CloudClan. It isn't uncommon for them to take down unsuspecting falcons as a show of strength and stealth.

FogClan cats are usually down-to-earth. They are the more mysterious of the two, fading in and out from the mist that surrounds their territory. In reality, they are simply more withdrawn, rather wanting to stick to themselves instead of going out and getting involved with outside affairs. However, this doesn't mean that they won't pick fights with CloudClan patrols if they come across one. They are the more aggressive of the two clans, but they take immense pride in their strength, and see CloudClan's mellow attitude as a sign of weakness.

Most predators that CloudClan and FogClan face are the following:
- Badgers
- Foxes
- Cougars
- Bobcats
- Coyotes
- Eagles
- Hawks
- Falcons
- Snakes


1. Don't be rude. If you have a complaint, please talk to Cosmic (the owner of the discord) or one of the admins to settle it, or bring it to the person themselves. Bullying will not be tolerated on this roleplay.

2. Names must be natural. Names such as Voidocean or Saturnring will not be tolerated, but names not used in the books are allowed as long as they make sense, such as Boarfang or Tulipfeather. You may also use book names, but you cannot have them similar to the actual character.

3. Use semi-realistic designs for your characters! You have artistic liberty, but don't make your character neon.

4. No nsfw content, please! We don't know how old some people may be.

5. Please tell us if you are going to be inactive!

6. No cannibalism, relationships between warriors and apprentices, incestuous relationships, extreme torture, or extremely graphic content. No godmodding!

7. Do not kill without permission!

8. You can have as many characters as you so wish as long as you are able to roleplay them. However, you can only have 1 (one) high ranking character (leader, deputy, medicine cat).

9. Litters may not contain more than four kittens, and runts can only occur in litters with three or more kittens, and there may not be more than one runt. A queen may have multiple litters, but not a close time-span.

10. Try to keep the few-sentence posts few and far between. A low muse is understandable, but most posts should be a usual paragraph length: 3+ sentences.

11. This roleplay will NOT be held outside of Discord.

12. Plots affecting the entire clan in a major way must be gone over with Cosmic, the owner of the server, first.

13. Major offenses (rules 1, 4, 5, 6, 12.), depending on the severity of the offense, may end up in an instant kick.


CloudClan territory mainly lies in a massive sprawl of heather-filled moorlands known simply as The Meadows, although their camp lies in a sheltered, secluded section of the small portion of the pine forest that FogClan allowed them to keep as their own territory. Most apprentices train in a small hollow within the Meadows.

The moorlands offers CloudClan all the hunting grounds they'd need, although some warriors prefer to hunt in the Pine Grove, the rest of the pine lands that they were given as territory.

One particular hunting spot some others go to within the pines is the Great Oak, a strange, twisting tree that rises up high into the sky. Although dangerous, some brave (or stupid) warriors and apprentices will try to climb the tree to get a grand overview of both FogClan and CloudClan territory.

A large river marks the far southern border and wraps around to the western border towards FogClan. However, instead of creating the border, it simply cuts straight through and continues straight.

Further up the river, atop a lonely hill, a large willow tree sits, known as the grieving willow due to it's long, hanging limbs that make it seem sorrowful in comparison to the tall, prideful branches of the pines and the Great Oak. This area is where those recently departed are buried.

FogClan territory consists entirely of the perpetually misty pine forest. Their camp lays deep within the forest, nearly impossible to reach due to the perplexing nature of the forest- it's incredibly easy to get lost. Thus, most warrior assessments also require, other than testing their hunting and fighting prowess, apprentices to find their way from the edge of the forest to the camp without losing their way.

The river that comes in from CloudClan Territory is known as The Crooked River, as it begins to bend and zigzag through the territory. If prey is scarce, FogClan warriors will fish from the river in order to keep the clan fed. The river then feeds into a small, still lake. Nothing ever seems to move from under the surface, making the only ripples across its surface caused by above water causes (animals, cats, wind, rain, ect.) Thus, it is known as the Empty Lake. This lake, at the opposite end of where the river feeds into, trickles out into a much larger river.

Thankfully for the cats of FogClan, there is an easy way across this large river that the lake creates. A strange, arching pathway made of stone allows them to cross from one side of the river to the other. Nearby this stone crossing is a Thunderpath that leads towards the Twolegplace some miles down. Though not constantly frequented, monsters are always something to be wary of. These threats are worse during the night, when it rains, and during Leaf-Bare, as sometimes the monsters veer off of the Thunderpath and crash into the pines, or they crash into each-other in a brawl.

One less traversed part of the pines, however, is the Burned Place. This place, a section of pines, was burned by a fire long ago. Although the fire didn't envelop the entire forest, it's damage is still seen to this day. Many say that it's rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of those that had died there, and some even claim to see eyes peering out from the darkness to watch them. It is advised to never wander into the Burned Place, although those lost, unfortunately, can find themselves in the accursed place.

The only reason a cat would willingly find themselves there is if they are with a burial patrol, as FogClan has designated it as a burial ground due to it's ghostly nature.

There are only a few spots that would be considered Neutral Territory between the two clans. The Border is one of those few spots, where both CloudClan and FogClan go to mark the edge of their territory. Many skirmishes take place at the border due to prey-stealers of simply those that cross over the border (whether accidental or on purpose is up to debate).

However, the most prized section of the border is where the Waterfall lies. Although it's not a massive fall, it is still a sight to see and lavish in. Both clans come here to drink from the small spring it forms at its base before continuing into the Crooked River, but the Waterfall hides it own secret.

Behind the waterfall lies the Moongraced Cavern; a huge cave network that is deemed holy. Although plain at first, the further you travel down into the cave, the grander it becomes. The ceiling of the cave slowly lights up with strange, blue glowing mushrooms, making it seem like a night sky. It provides a small amount of light, but not enough to illuminate the caverns. The air has a stale, musky scent, with the slightest tinge of water and herbs.

In the largest, deepest opening in the cave is where the clans can commune with StarClan. The ceiling and walls are covered in the luminous mushrooms, and a large circle of the mushrooms lays in the middle of the cave. Those that wish to commune simply have to lay in the circle, and they will be drifted off into sleep soon enough. It is custom that all apprentices visit the the Moongraced Caverns at least once before they become warriors.

The last place considered Neutral Territory is the Gathering Gorge. A wide gorge cut through the earth near the edge of the Meadows, a stream runs through it that branches off from the main river. Although most of it is covered in water, there is a large area near the middle where the land is still high and dry. A ridged stone rises in the middle of the dry area, and that is where leaders are designated to give their reports. Deputies sit at the base of this rock. Gatherings are held every full-moon at the gathering gorge.

The Twoleg place is a couple miles away from the forest and moors that the two clans call their home. Here, monsters, twolegs, and outside cats call the complex maze of stone structures their home.

The Downtown area of the Twoleg place are where some city cats and the rumored remains of Silver's Group live in the alleyways. These cats are ruthless and accustomed to the havoc of the city, and live no cat's code or laws. Some kittypets, cast out from their homes, abandoned, or lost sometimes find their way into the downtown.

The Suburbs are where kittypets and twolegs alike make their home. A quite comfortable area, the only real threats that cats face here are monsters, rogues from Downtown, and the occasional dog.

The Outskirts is considered the very edge of the Twoleg place. Here, monsters come in and out of the Twoleg place all day and night, and many roam on the giant thunderpath off to the side of the Outskirts. Although much isn't out here, loners, rogues, and the occasional kittypet make their home out here.

The Barn and Stables are where barn cats live on a farm close to the forest. A variety of animals live there, and it's a comfortable living space for the barn cats that make their home there.

Many moons ago- more moons than a cat could remember, a warrior named Cloudheart lived in a distant clan by the name of SkyClan. She was a proud, resilient warrior, skilled in scaling trees, leaping great distances, and hard paw pads that allowed her to travel long distances without fear of an infection.

However, a day came where she was forced to leave her home. Rats attacked her beloved home in the gorge, and the clan made the choice to split apart. Though many left to become rogues, loners, and kittypets, Cloudheart couldn't bear the thought of giving up the life of a warrior.

So, gathering her clanmates with the same mindset, Cloudheart left her home in the gorge to find a new, safer land where she and her clanmates could flourish.

She and her clanmates traveled for moons, attempting to find a territory that would best suit them, until eventually, they came across such a place. A massive stretch of fields and moorland, bordered to the west by a foggy pine forest. The night sky above was brighter than where they had formerly lived, and glistened with millions of stars and bands of color across its dark surface, only matched by the distant lights of a massive Twolegs' place.The cool breeze rustled their pelts and the grass soft beneath their aching paws.

This would be where Cloudheart would decide to form her new clan, and the clan, naturally, was named after herself: CloudClan.

From there, her clan thrived and grew. They accepted wayward loners and kittypets into their clan, as Cloudstar did not care for the blood of a cat, but their attitude and spirit for success. She bore her own litter of kits with a handsome tom named Pinefrost, lead her clan through harsh seasons, difficult challenges, and staked her claim on the territory.

However, it wasn't long before the peaceful clan realized that they weren't alone. A patrol was one day attacked by what was originally thought to be a gang of rogues. It was quickly established that, instead, it was a rivaling clan: the clan of the foggy pines- FogClan.

The clan, lead by their leader, asserted themselves as the owners of the pine forest that CloudClan had been hunting in for the past few moons. Cloudstar was quick to defuse the situation, and agreed that they would be allowed a small portion of the forest, specifically where they had set their camp up, to hunt and live in. They'd continue to thrive out in the meadows, but no further into the forest.

With this agreement, most tension between the two clans died, although minor scuffles and border arguments are, to this day, common.

The only downfall the clan had was when their beloved leader passed, having fallen ill with Greencough, which ripped the last life away from her. Though she died peacefully, surrounded by her family and clanmates, the clan grieved for the loving, departed leader that had brought them so far.

This started the powerful reign of her deputy, Dragonflywing- Dragonflystar as she was soon known as.

However, her strength, leadership, and skills- not only hers, but FogClan's as well, would tested when the most feared cat the clans have ever known came onto the scene: a silver mackerel tabby tom with piercing red eyes. He was the self-proclaimed leader of a gang of rogues. Having been driven out by the clans when they first arrived as a kid, he finally staked revenge when they took his sister, Shimmer, as a prisoner of their clan for trespassing and refusing to leave.

CloudClan could of never been prepared for the onslaught that Silver brought onto them. They only narrowly won the first battle, thanks to the help of FogClan, but when Silver returned with reinforcements moons later, the damages only grew worse. He and his rogues wrecked havoc on the two clans as Silver sought his revenge, and more specifically, his sister, who he discovered had joined the clan and fell in love with a ginger tom by the name of Sapfur.
It would be that ginger tom who would be the end for the red eyed cat, with his claws managing to rip Silver's throat open.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end for Silver.

From the Dark Forest, he manipulated living cats to do his bidding, for his bloodlust was unsated, and his wish to destroy the clans had yet to be fulfilled. Over the moons, he grew more powerful. He manipulated the new leader of FogClan, a massive, half-clan tom named Rockstar, to kill anyone who dared stand in his way, leading the clan into a tyrannical leadership. He convinced his sister's son, Whitemask, to betray his clan and poison Mistystar, the leader that came after Dragonflystar.

He continued to stir chaos until... he simply stopped. No cat has figured out where his presence had disappeared to, though none have complained as of yet. They merely tell his bloody tale to kits to scare them and to set a reminder of what dangers may lurk out in the shadows.
There are rumors that the descendants of his rogue group still linger in the alleys of the deeper realms of the Twoleg Place and the occasional sighting of a silver and white speckled she-cat, gilded in starlight and mist, that watches CloudClan from afar, a sorrowful look in her pale green eyes.

Links and Other Places to Find Us!
Click at your own discretion! This roleplay is bound to have sensitive topics, given the nature of Warrior Cats.

If you'd like more information, message me!

All High-ranks (except for the medicine cats of CloudClan and both leaders) are open.

Thank you for checking this out! Have a wonderful day, and happy roleplaying!


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