Posted by how much will this be worth as a stud?
koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2018-08-05 12:13:28
I have a new felis cub and when his markings are maxed he's GORGEOUS! I just wonder how much will he be popular if I king him, and what base I should give him to make him popular, since he's a vandal at the moment.
link to wardrobe
He also has 2 hidden skyward markings and a hidden feline 7.

He's a 500+ stat at the moment but I'm sure that with proper training he'll be much higher before he's kinged. (My current king is young and I invested about 12 gb in him so I dont want to retire so soon even though he didnt come out that successful. So I'll wait AT LEAST until this cub is 3. )

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