Posted by Zodiac Titles

lilah 💫 (#77297)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 19:07:55
These may be unlockable titles that you get from buying the Celestial Zodiacs from the June event.
Lion, The Aries,
Lion The Leo,
Lion, Sagittarius,

Lion, The Taurus,
Lion, Virgo,
Lion, The Capricorn

Lion, The Gemini,
Lion, The Libra,
Lion, Aquarius

Lion, The Cancer,
Scorpio, Lion
Lion, The Pisces

Please tell me how to edit this or why or why not you support. THANKS!

This suggestion has 37 supports and 1 NO support.

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 20:21:16
Heck yes! I'm not too into Zodiac stuff, myself, and I know plenty of people who are and would ADORE having these! The No Support(s) make(s) no sense to me. There's no harm in it being implemented and it's not much of a hassle for the LD team to do

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Nikita (Feline Silky
project) (#86487)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 12:47:00
The only issue with it CURRENTLY that I see is that people have already purchased many celestial decors, and some of the zodiacs haven't been put in the game yet (such as Libra, though I heard Libra and others are planned for 2019).

Maybe have a separate button to buy the title(s)? !!! Using Meteorite Shards or Silver Beetles to buy the titles, though, since some of the backgrounds are ~150 Fireflies, and the new event beetle might be popular during the month.

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