Posted by Lioness Personalities

DragonKnight (#58824)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-08-07 09:39:28
My other suggestion(s)
Mass check Falcon Eye

This is a very rough idea, feedback is much appreciated
Alright, so we begin. Thus far, lioness personalities aren't overly useful, other than being fun with their flavor texts. We have Nurturing which allows your females to protect six cubs instead of five, as a broodmother. I was thinking something similar to that.

Hardy Personality: My idea is a personality that allows your lioness to go without nesting, or have a significantly lower chance of losing her cubs when she isn't nesting. I believe it should be either a neutral or evil personality. Naturally, Hardy would be difficult to aquire. Maybe a 25% or so chance of it passing?

As stated before, I am very open to suggestions and more ideas. If this thread already exists, I apologize.

This suggestion has 59 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/08/18 @ 09:45:38 by Dragonheart (#58824)

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