Posted by King Personality - Charming

Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2018-08-09 12:45:40
I'm not good at writing, or making suggestions, but I was thinking maybe a new personality for kings called Charming? The charming personality would allow kings to have a small bonus when claiming any lioness, regardless of their personality type. It would be from an applicator available in February, since that is the month of love. But if there is already a lot going on in February, it could be a personality available with the masks, or an app in a different month.
It would be a good personality, it could also work as snarky, but I think good is more fitting.

If you don't support, please tell me why. I love hearing your guys' opinions and thoughts! Just please be respectful. There is no reasoning behind being rude and mean.

This suggestion has 48 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/08/18 @ 12:49:17 by Evee (#54817)

Odin [dirty MR
queen](0/13 GB) (#185986)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 22:32:51
While i do like this suggestion, it's a no support from me, simply because we already have personalities that give you a boost when you claim a lioness:

Candid (kind) - regains 3% energy with each successful lioness claim
Confident (kind) & Self-Absorbed (evil) - +1% extra impression when claiming a lioness

So, unless you can come up with something unique, it's gonna stay a no support, sorry.

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Edited on 04/10/19 @ 22:33:11 by Odin (#185986)

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