Posted by Warrior Cats Roleplay

Owl™ (#93801)

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2018-08-09 20:16:56
TFCs is a warriors rp based on the popular book series made by Erin hunters. Four clans, Falconclan, the fast and quick jumpers, known for living in the mountains and catching birds from the air. Wispclan, whose territory is always shrouded in fog and who like to strike from where they won't be seen and believe their connection to StarClan is the strongest. Sunsetclan, who live without shade or shadow and are the fastest of all the clans, and Pineclan, who enjoy dark and damp places and the clan who mind water the least. Tensions grow between the four clans as relationships between Pineclan and Wispclan form, causing Sunsetclan and Falconclan to grow wary and concerned.

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