Posted by Better Stud Stats- Total Earnings, Etc

Equagga|G2 Vagabond
Splash (#105402)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 17:52:57
As anyone who's ever gotten curious about the popularity of their stud or wondered how prolific they really are knows, the current stats available for lead lions are lacking. We have the 'cubs bred' page, which does list a lot of data, but it's only a snap shot, and omits some facts a lot of us are interested in having.

Some of these are likely easier to implement than others. Some might also be nice to have on lioness' pages, too.

'Total Breedings' - How many successful breedings the stud has had, including those within their own pride.
'Stud Requests Completed'- Just the number of breedings to outside prides. Helps you tell at a glance if the stud is popular or not, something some people keep in mind when selecting a stud.
'Career Stud Earnings' is the one I'd like to have the most. Just how much of that dumb amount of currency you put into your lion does it make back? Unless you keep track of every cub sale or studding, or never delete your notifications, you can only estimate. This would be a simple counter totaling all your lion has made in stud fees: X SB, Y GB.
(It would be nice to know how much money you've made selling lions, but that's a post for another day.)

And now, on to a more complicated issue . . . that 'cubs bred' page. Like I said, it's only a snap shot. It doesn't tell you how many cubs a lion has sired and it definitely doesn't tell you all about each since once a lion meets a fate that deletes it, poof, there goes its information. This is to save server space. Obviously, it's important, or we wouldn't have so many ways to get rid of lions that delete their records, like feeding them to a monkey or making them poke a space rock, or yeeting them as babies.
However . . . this leaves the user interested in knowing how good a producer their king really is trying to keep their own records of things like bases passed, by copying down the pertinent info from the 'cubs bred' page before everything is dead. When a stud itself dies, the cubs bred page becomes less and less useful - it dwindles to those offspring whose records were saved to dynasties. That often isn't many.
It would be nice if the stats currently displayed on the 'cubs born' page (minus the link to their page; they're deleted, their ID should be plain text and not a link) were not wiped, so that total cub count could be known and passage of special features better preserved. However, I don't know how feasible it is to do that, coding wise, and even if it is, if it would take up too much server space, even if that data was tied only to sires and not to dams. Users interested in charting passage of markings would still be on their own, anyway, since markings have never been listed on that page and for space reasons, shouldn't be. It would be awesome if the records of progeny were more permanent, but if it's not possible or not a good idea, it just isn't.

If anyone has anything else they wish was kept track of re: studs, please chime in!

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ma☕️ (#139537)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 17:55:57
Yes please

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