Posted by Average item prices (catalogue addition)

Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-13 18:10:31
I think a good addition to the item catalogue would be to show the average price of an item, based on what it was recently sold for. Basically they would use the same system/math they use to get the average GB sale price and use that for item sales. This would only include branch prices, not trade buyout prices. Here's an example:

[D] Arid Desert
Type: Background
Description: An arid desert that seems to change over time.
Base Uses: 20
Sell Price: Will not sell
Number in Game: 132
Shops: Oasis (6 GB)
Average SB price: (number goes here)
Average GB price: (number goes here)

This would help people price their items according to the average, so they don't unknowingly undersell/oversell an item (like 600sb for a thirst item). This wouldn't affect people who willingly place items higher or lower, it would just be helpful for people wondering how much an item usually goes for before trying to sell it.

One thing throwing a wrench in this idea are the 99999 SB branch listings though (they'll skew the math), so go over and support this idea as well: Tidying Up 99999 SB Listings on Branches

This suggestion has 27 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/08/18 @ 19:33:00 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 16:22:56
Tbh I can’t really see the point of average prices for TC/branch items. Simply because no-one buys anything other than the cheapest of something (for that reason I can’t see the point of it in GB sales either frankly, but different strokes and all that)

Maybe with some cheap-ish items where a lot are likely to sell in a short time it would kind of work, but with most things it makes far more sense just to match or slightly undercut the lowest existing price - otherwise (regardless of you keeping to the 'average') your item is never going to sell because someone else has one for a better price.

I don’t really think any average calculated like this would be at all accurate for what items actually sell for, because what they sell for is always the lowest on offer - ignoring the rest altogether.

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-21 16:30:32
Yeah I see your point, but sometimes people just want to see how much something is worth at a glance, whether it's for selling the item or trading it for something else and wanting an equivalent exchange. (and it would eliminate all of those "how much is XYZ worth?" threads, since you could just go to the catalogue and see)

Also people don't always want to undercut the price of something to sell it, since you could potentially rip yourself off. Kind of like selling a GMO cow for 5GB, of course someone would buy it that's a steal, but it's worth tons more.

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Edited on 21/08/18 @ 16:34:23 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 16:59:48
I see what you’re saying, but I still think that 99 times out of 100 simply going by the 'current lowest price = value' method is going to end up being more accurate than 'current average price = value'. People put so many overpriced or unrealistically priced items in branches (either deliberately for future sale or whatever, or out of not understanding) that averages would be so skewed almost all the time.

With those kinds of threads, and tbh just with pricing in general, the answer is pretty much always just 'the lowest price is ___ so that’s around what they’re worth'.

Undercutting only really works for the best if you undercut very slightly or pricematch, but if there are a bunch of somethings (even GMOs, though that seems unlikely!) at 6GB, then realistically 6GB or maybe 5 is what they’re likely to sell for at that moment in time. Even if there are dozens more at 10-50GB, and the technical average is 40 (random example), no one will actually pay 40. Whether the prices/values will eventually rise back up to more like 40 is impossible to tell just from an average number, unless you already know the market.

The only kind of average price indication I would definitely support would be one listing average sold prices - i.e. the average that those items have actually been successfully sold for within the last x amount of time. I’ve seen that suggested before I think and I do think that would be useful and much more accurate - but also potentially a total pain to code and implement, I imagine! :)

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-21 17:25:28
Wouldn't average sold prices be sort of similar though? If a bunch of people pay 6 GB for something, then it would say that. Likewise, if most people are buying it for that price, then most people are also selling it for that price, right? That's what I mean.

Unless the math wouldn't work, in which case maybe it could just grab how much of said item was bought in a month (or 2 months or whatever), and it judges based off of that, rather than all sold items. If an item was worth 800sb 2 years ago but only 100sb now, the math would be skewed if it took that into account.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 19:23:09
Oh yeah, sold/bought averages would be the same - what I mean is that the ones you want to take into account are the ones that are actually changing hands. NOT the ones that are just sitting there overpriced and not moving, if you see what I mean. Those unsold ones would end up included in averages with your current suggestion, when in reality they aren’t really relevant if they just sit in trades/branches and never sell.

It would have to be only recent sales too like you say (maybe even the last week or so, to be genuinely up to date), which is why I sort of think that idea might too big an ask for coders tbh, despite its usefulness :(

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-21 19:29:33
Oh yeah, I wouldn't want to include those! That's why I linked to topics like cleaning up all the 99999 branch sales, although that wouldn't fix wildly overpriced items like 100GB for a blue skimmer showing up in the math.

I don't think it has to be extremely accurate, since I don't think values and prices change that often. If something sells for 5GB this week, it probably sold for the same price (on average) last week.

I edited a part into the OP that mentions getting the average from recently sold items, rather than all items in branches/trades.

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Edited on 21/08/18 @ 19:33:34 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 19:43:38
Removing the unpriced 99999 items would be one thing, but imo it’s the overpriced random stuff at double/triple/etc real sale values that would be a lot harder and which would still wildly skew the numbers. Take buff scrots current prices as an example - in reality, they’re actively selling in the TC for roughly 13-15GB each rn. Yet if you were to calculate an average of current branch prices, there's a massive range, from 18GB all the way up to 80GB each. Because they’re all just the ones that still haven’t sold, because they’re higher than the current going rate and not worth anyone's while yet.

I just don’t see how it could be possible to discount the massive outliers like that sufficiently to come up with an average that would really be helpful, rather than just misleading for newbies who don’t necessarily understand prices, you know?

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-21 19:51:48
Well the buffalo scrotums being cheaper is usually a monthly thing. This month they're bought at about 8-18 GB (which would be this month's average), but once the month is over less and less people are going to sell it for that price, which is how it goes every year. The current average wouldn't include the 80GB prices, because nobody's bought them for that price this month. (generally speaking. someone might have)

Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe instead of an average, it could just get whatever number occurs the most from sold items. For example, 5 buff scrotes are sold for 8 GB each, and 1 is sold for 18 GB. Since more people bought it at 8 GB, that's what shows up as the going price. That's less wonky than the math way.

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Edited on 21/08/18 @ 20:00:08 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 20:00:15
I'm sure I’ve seen it or something very similar suggested before somewhere, though I haven’t got a link, but either way I would for sure support the edited version now - i.e. just ones actually bought/sold (though god knows if it would be feasible to set up!) c:

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kylie (#260390)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 14:34:16
how much SB would you sell a lion for?

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