Posted by Chimera Breeding Lab [1 slot Open!]

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:07:48


Status [OPEN]
1 - kencat♥︎ (#98510) [Done!]
2 - Lae yūrei (#133089) [Reserved]
3 -

Welcome Chimera owners!

Not a Chimera owner? Come get one here! (Adopt Shop)

This is the breeding hub for all current and future Chimeras.

First, let me explain how Chimera breeding works!

Chimeras aren't naturally bred. The DNA of each parent is used to create new Chimeras. Which are then incubated. Up to 4 Chimeras can be created, if all goes well. There are cases where most of the litter fails and only one cub is born, though this only has a 25% chance of happening.

In order to "breed" two Chimeras, at least one parent should be an Alpha.

Common Chimeras can be bred without an Alpha, but the litter has an incredibly low survival rate! Only about 30% of common bred Chimera litters survive. With a 70% chance of all cubs dying. However, there is also an increased chance for mutations if the litter survives even if both parents are mutation-less. There have also been cases of smaller Chimera "runts" being born. (only a 5% chance of happening!)

Chimera runts cannot currently breed. (but come with a special line art)

Alpha Chimera litters have a much higher survival rate. Even if only one parent is an Alpha, there will be at least one cub born from every litter.

Additionally, with Alpha litters there is a small chance of an Alpha cub being born! With one Alpha parent there is a 5% chance, with two there is a 10% chance.


So you want to breed your Chimeras?

First, you'll need to purchase a Lab Kit (5) and select DNA from two Chimeras.

Then after a few days, I will reveal the results of the litter. (Note: If all cubs die you will receive a 4 refund)

Cubs come with a special line art and will stay cubs forever until they are aged up!

To age your Chimera cub, you'll need to buy an Aging Stimulant(2) and wait about 2 days for the aging process to complete.


If you have any other questions feel free to ask in the comments!

The status of the breeding lab is posted up top. When the lab is open a list of 3 slots will be posted as well. If it is closed, then I am not taking breeding applications.

However, if you would rather not wait for the Lab to re-open, a fee can be paid for special access to the lab. For only 1 you can take an extra slot past the 3 slot maximum.

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Edited on 21/09/18 @ 23:42:36 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:08:05

Item Shop

1 = 1400

Lab Kit - 5
(This item is required in order to breed your Chimeras!)

Aging Stimulant - 2
(Use this to age up your Chimera cubs!)

Mutation Stimulant - 5
(Boosts the Mutation chance to 50% for the whole litter!)
Without this the mutation chance is 10% with one mutated parent and 20% with both mutated. Non Alpha breedings also have a +10% mutation chance.

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 22:14:30 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:08:18


Cubs born will go here!
Cubs can be sold here as well.

- - - - - -
kencat♥︎ (#98510) - 1 cub
Parents [Alpha #13] & [Chimera #7]
Cub #1 - 3 mutations

This cub has a double-eye'd hooded snake tail and two sets of horns, how rare!

- - - - - -

Lae yūrei (#133089) - 1 cub
Parents [Keary] & [Alpha #11]
Cub #1 - No mutations

- - - - - -

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Edited on 16/10/18 @ 18:54:09 by 🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:13:24


Your Alpha Chimeras can be put up here for studding!
(The maximum fee you can have is 4)
Note: Studs cannot claim more than one cub unless the breeder agrees (payment can be arranged, NO overpricing).
Pick of the litter order should be discussed between stud owner & breeder before the breeding takes place.

- - - - - -
Keary - belongs to Lae yūrei (#133089)
Stud Fee: 2
Stud Conditions: If more than one cub is born, Owner of Stud claims at least one of them.
- - - - - -
Lahar - belongs to A Confused Waffle (#100978)
Stud Fee: Discuss with Stud owner. Offer a price. Prices vary from gb/sb, decor, and breeding items. (to a max total value of 4)
Stud Conditions: If multiple cubs are born and the Stud owner likes one, ownership of those cubs can be discussed. A price may be offered for the cub. On the chance multiple cubs are wanted, payment may be offered but it is completely up to the breeder using this stud to decide.
- - - - - -
Pastel Skies - belongs to naмι тнe ѕмol вean (#112820)
Stud Fee: Offer! SB/GB and/or breeding items (up to a total max value of 4)
Stud Conditions: If multiple cubs are born, stud owner may claim one (last pick of the litter).
- - - - - -
Alpha #11 - belongs to Lae yūrei (#133089)
Stud Fee: 3
Stud Conditions: If more than one cub is born, Owner of Stud claims at least one of them. If litter is more than two, and the stud owner wants more than 1 cub, then the stud owner can offer payment.

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Edited on 16/09/18 @ 22:05:09 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:30:57
Is there anything we have to purchase to put our boys up for studding?

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nina ♠️ g1
2xr jelly (#98510)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:35:09
I'd like to reserve a slot & purchase a Mutation Stimulant for it, are you still interested in Carrion Beetle items? cx

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:35:11
@A Confused Waffle Nope! You can let me know what stud fee + conditions (Ex. if 2+ cubs are born you keep one etc..) you'd like to use and I can add them to the stud page! ^^

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:35:42
Oh alrighty! Should I PM you?

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:36:05
Also, is there chimera stud slots and fertility? :o

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:36:41
@Kencat Not really haha, I have everything I want now... There are a few decors I am after right now, if you'd like me to list them!

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:37:35
Oh, list away!

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:40:13
@A Confused Waffle Yep! You can Pm me. As for stud slots, they are unlimited! However, only Alphas can be put up for studding. Fertility is 100% with all Chimeras. It is only when you breed 2 non-alpha (aka common) Chimeras that there is a chance the litter could die after breeding.

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nina ♠️ g1
2xr jelly (#98510)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:41:31
List away! :D
Would you happen to be interested in 300 Monkey Teeth? Since MT have a pretty big value, if you are interested, I'll PM to discuss

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 14:56:11
@Kencat Snake skin bodywear (chaos or dark), Flesh of the black lion, Bone horns, Black Cloak, Dark demon wings (top & bottom). I don't care about uses as long as there's at least 2. :)

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Edited on 26/08/18 @ 14:58:08 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

nina ♠️ g1
2xr jelly (#98510)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 15:01:21
Would you accept a full use Snake Skin Bodywear (Chaos) and 5gb for a breeding slot & mutation stimulant?
The breeding will be used for my common boy (#7) and future Alpha custom :D

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A Confused Waffle (#100978)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 15:11:30
Could you add that prices vary from Sb/GB, Decor, and breeding items

And that it could possibly be multiple cubs (Most likely not the whole litter) to claim if I like the cub? oof

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