Posted by [Aug] make the event studs personalized

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 20:42:40
Honestly for as long as I can remember the event studs are a mad scramble for people worrying about unlocking them- so here's what i propose.

I know that personalized bars are a little iffy depending who you talk to but hear me out on this one, cause there's a few ways to do it.
Now the event studs are the maneaters who show up after X amount of humans are killed so wouldn't it make sense they'd visit individual territories based on how many humans you killed? So here's my ideas on how this could work.

X amount of humans killed over several days
This would have a personalized bar that carried over day to day, like after say... for a random example 300 humans killed, the studs would be open for you for the rest of the event, maybe have a cycle of studs it's goes through, or random appearance of which one showed up, changing on rollover.

X amount of humans.. per rollover
Let's say you have to kill 40 humans a day to unlock the maneaters, however it closes/resets on rollover.

X amount of humans, resetting stud
For this idea, let's say the number is 100 humans or something.
You can take your time filling up the bar, it carries over day to day, however once you unlock the Maneater, he'll be around for 2-3 rollovers (or the studs randomize during this time) then the bar resets and you'd have to re unlock it.

The reason I think the maneaters should be personalized is cause Some people don't concern themselves with them cause they want the DB encounters instead, or karma, so having to factor in people who don't care for them makes them taxing to unlock. This would make it easier for people who really want them to be able to get them.

Also this kinda opens up some new possibilities. like if they add randomized studs, there could be a rare one that might show up, or more special, etc.

So what do you guys think? Comments, critiques, and questions welcome.

This suggestion has 14 supports and 33 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/03/19 @ 03:27:49 by a Moderator

Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-16 20:52:00
I like the first option the best. No rush or hassle. There's always a mad scramble to unlock the studs in august, I can't imagine a time where I wasn't nervous. It goes untouched for a majority of the month and then people try to rush and unlock it at the last second, not leaving enough time for it to cycle through the possible studs.

The second option sounds like a hassle for people who might not have all day but want to breed one of their lionesses. If you can't kill X amount of humans in a day you'll never unlock them. (70 sounds pretty average to what the number could actually be. If you kill humans all day you can make it, but not if you don't)

The third option sounds inconvenient for heat cycles. For a player to unlock the studs this way, they'll need to properly time it so they can kill enough humans in time. (I feel like 100-300 is what the bar would be). It might take you about 3-4 days (more if you spend even less time online) to kill that many humans. Then if the males leave they need to kill 200 more humans...a cycle of frustration for less-hardcore players.

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 20:57:46 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 20:58:22
You make some good points, and yeah I picked somewhat high numbers, but those are just examples. I just feel like this would make it kinda quicker and less tedious to unlock them, cause i see the same comments in forums and such year after year about how hard they are to unlock for various reasons.

And for the last one being tedious... I'd still prefer it to what it is now, and has been for a long time, which is the event studs only being available at the very end of the month for a few days, ya know? Lol

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 21:06:20 by Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:12:11
Yeah, I'd definitely take one of these over how it is now. (and has been for many years)

I get why people don't like personalized bars, because it takes away the community aspect and events are about what we achieve as a community, but in some cases personalized bars are better. The current option where you can unlock whichever shop you want is tons better than how it used to be imo. I spent a lot of years upset since I don't want the preservers items, lol.

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 21:14:56 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:15:59
I definitely don't want all events to be personalized but yeah, like you said it is better sometimes and i like that they've done it a bit with this event. Preservers/destroyers make sense but so do the event studs. And of course the DB collected, imo should stay community orientated, but this extra/bonus area would benefit from being personalized and it feels like it'd be more fair to people who really try hard to unlock them.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:21:21
I'm sorry but I cant support because of those that care about their good karma. I personally have one good and one evil account so I am doing what I can but there are some that can only handle one account and it is not fair to have half the event out of their reach with no counterpart. With the shops if you go the good route and want items from the destroyers you can easily trade with " evil" kings, but if the studs only appear for "evil" kings it is not fair to the "good" king players.

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:23:40
I have a good king and I do know what you mean but it still seems like it'd be easier to kill a certain amount of humans for a few days rather then basically losing karma the whole event.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:34:46
Those that don't want to lose karma won't lose karma/kill humans regardless if it is for a community bar or a personal one. Some are really into the ' role playing' aspect ( would my king kill a human? I don't think he would so I won't make him) I think they always set the goal too high. I don't think "good" karma players should feel that they HAVE to do "evil" things to be allowed to take part n the event. Items can always be bought/traded but you can't "buy" a studding to the man-eaters if you don't have it unlocked. So if there were personal bars it would be like this: " you HAVE to go against your kings personality/ rp/ your karma or risk a scam by paying an 'evil' king user to breed your girls or you just literally have 0 chance for the special studs but evil kings get the studs" Lioden tries to be fair to all playing styles and to have something only for evil kings with no good counterpart would not be fair.

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:38:00
Other good kings, myself included have to go against karma to get it unlock cause the numbers are already too high. And I'm sorry but if you ain't working to unlock them, and letting others unlock em so you can keep up appearances and rp, etc, then how is that fair?

If I'm going against my kings karma either way, at least this way I wouldn't be doing it all month.

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 21:43:13 by Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:44:30
( again I have 2 accounts one is working to unlock it)

It is just how the event is set up. For them to make custom bars they would have to have a counterpart for "good karma" because Lioden dosent force users to change their playing style and they try to keep karma things pretty even. Something as big of a deal as exclusive studs would not be able to be evil kings only as it would cause a lot of problems

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:50:34
Maybe a compromise to all of this would be "peacekeeper" studs or something. A counterpart to the maneater studs that is unlocked by sparing humans. Both would have exclusive looks, if you want the maneater stud then you'll have to kill some humans, on the flipside you'll have to spare humans to get a peacekeeper stud.

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:50:34
I know alot of players upset cause they have to use both to unlock it. The event studds have been a headache for a long time now cause the numbers are usually too high for people either just using a second account and people with their evil kings. And i know some players who don't use a second account and have good kings worried about the Maneaters too. I use both to try to unlock it too but i also favor the DB encounters so I don't kill humans as actively on this account and I end up feeling bad for people working doubly hard to unlock them.

Peace keeper studs would be interesting.

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 21:53:26 by Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:53:18
I am not saying the event couldn't use some reworking because it really needs it!

I think either what Dinocanid (#69182) said and make a counterpart or lower the amount needed but I can't support only bad kings getting special studs.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:56:08
I also want to add that how the event is makes for a lot of people trying to pressure/guilt trip other users to do something they don't want to do. 2 kinds of studs seems the easiest way to solve all the issues.

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-16 22:00:07
Yeah, 2 studs on personalized bars seems like the best solution imo. Nobody is pressured to kill humans for the sake of unlocking the special studs, and nobody is forced to miss out because others are hoarding DB or preserving karma. Win win.

The only complaint people would have is if their respective stud doesn't have the genetics they want, but at worst that's just exactly where we are now with the personalized preservers/destroyers shops.

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Edited on 16/08/18 @ 22:02:51 by Dinocanid (#69182)

Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 22:01:23
at least it would be even? like a good king can breed and sell/trade their cubs for an evil kings?

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