Posted by Another Submale Suggestion

Toony (Penta Dawn
Nacre) (#143125)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:20:47
Now I know Sub-male Breeding is a horse that has been beaten to death. But Other then patrolling them boys do jack squat to contribute to the pride and their extra slots are EXPENSIVE. So an idea that would give value to getting more then the base 2 slots for 500Sb would be to introduce Sub-male Breeding.
However we can't just have them Willynilly running around and knocking up our Lionesses! There needs to be a few contingencys to this.

Features and Restrictions:
Breed a Lioness in your Pride! Fertility still applies and either
a) They have their own "fertility"
or b) They have their own "energy bar" that only appears when they are able to breed.

A cooldown, 20 days like lionesses for the Submale. This addresses the concerns for stud market going down. You'll still need studs, but at least while you're off exploring you do't expect your boys to just sit there do you?
No Public Submale breeding. Only in pride. Again to Address the stud concerns.

Downsides to be adressed:
Cub Market.
Studding Market.
Cub Market: Some users say it would effect the cub market negatively but as we can all tell it isn't the greatest right now anyhow. If anything it would improve cub prices ESPECIALLY for males who aren't quite heir worthy but have a few redeemable marks or if you wanna keep your current kings looks but have a boy you really like or a base you're seeking despite only being allowed two kings who both have bases you also like.
Studding market: I believe that not having public breeding and the cooldown will still have a need for studs. The cooldown will make it so you can't breed him like you would your king, so even if you have a sub with say an orchid base and you're trying to breed 3 orchid lionesses. You'd still need to find a stud to mate the other two. I believe the pride only breeding portion is self explanatory.

Why should the staff do it?
It gives an extra reason to keep the boys around and be choicyer about it, and makes the 2Gb for an extra male slot a little more worth it. It would also be a relief for Clean line breeders due to being able to bring in more clean blood during May.

I know this is a controversial topic, but i'd like to hear your opinions and Ideas and I am open to CONTRUCTIVE criticism. Remember You're not forced to use a lot of this sites certain features and thank you for reading my proposition.

User Input:
Starfruit- What about traditional breeding? A player could easily send someone their lioness to knock em up then send them back with the submale’s cubs.
I say, the lionesses have to be on your account for more than a set period (let’s say 10 days) till they can breed to your submale, unless you BOUGHT them through a public trade in TC ^^

Maybe make a role for submales like the Broodmothers! There can only be one “breeder” per ten territory, and they would have breeder cooldowns (similar to Broodmother cooldowns) and you cannot place another submale as breeder on the day that you took your recent breeder off, to stop people from loopholing?

zizi- maybe to restrict the subs they could have only 5-10 breeding slots per week and use your energy to make it simpler.

UPDATE: Xylax himself on the issue

This suggestion has 31 supports and 18 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/09/18 @ 19:05:31 by Toony's Side (Ruffian) (#145436)

JackNOTDaniels (#43365)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:35:09
no support- I personally don't see the need for it or extra time spent on coding it in.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:35:21
What about traditional breeding? A player could easily send someone their lioness to knock em up then send them back with the submale’s cubs.
I say, the lionesses have to be on your account for more than a set period (let’s say 10 days) till they can breed to your submale, unless you BOUGHT them through a public trade in TC ^^

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Toony(G2 Dec Drac
Vitbomb) (#145436)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:36:21
I like the idea Starfruit

@jacknotdaniels Well you may not need it but other players would appreciate it

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:37:06
This is on the rejected suggestions list, so I don't think submale breeding will ever be added.

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Toony(G2 Dec Drac
Vitbomb) (#145436)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:37:49
I mean it doesnt hurt to try, so were green bases at some point

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Zizi (#12557)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:38:09
this will totally raise the value of primal subs! and any other male lion and make them useful :D support

maybe to restrict the subs they could have only 5-10 breeding slots per week and use your energy to make it simpler.

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Edited on 02/09/18 @ 15:39:44 by Zizi (#12557)

Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:39:24
Green bases are still on the list, the only one we got was as an april fools joke lol.

I mean, you can still try.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:39:31
Maybe only 5 breeding slots, cause they spend so much energy patrolling. And I agree, use your own king’s energy for some reason lmao
And maybe decrease mood and hunger for the submale each time he breeds a Lioness of yours? Would be great to use in projects.

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Toony(G2 Dec Drac
Vitbomb) (#145436)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:40:54
Well with the green bases there was just a poll saying do you want them and people said yes. I think they should have a site poll

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༺Yōkai༻ (#143483)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:40:57
I am on the fence with this. On one hand this would be very handy for the above reasons listed, but on the other hand I can see people buying a crap tone of submale slots if this became an I game feature.

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Zizi (#12557)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:42:51
submale slots are so freaking expensive! and for what? lol for keeping a useless male? well I still buy them x3 i like keeping those pretty and useless males.

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🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:43:11
Maybe make a role for submales like the Broodmothers! There can only be one “breeder” per ten territory, and they would have breeder cooldowns (similar to Broodmother cooldowns) and you cannot place another submale as breeder on the day that you took your recent breeder off, to stop people from loopholing?

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Toony(G2 Dec Drac
Vitbomb) (#145436)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:43:43
Well the slots for breeding would probably be across all submales, so it wouldnt matter how many slots you bought for them it'd apply to all the males

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༺Yōkai༻ (#143483)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:46:45
Zizi: lol yeah I agree with you, I’ve had a few lions I would have kept if this was in game. Stud slots are very expensive but, as you said yourself “I still buy them” and I’ve seen some players with 6 submales or more.

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Edited on 02/09/18 @ 15:49:55 by ChaosBlades003 (#143483)

༺Yōkai༻ (#143483)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 15:48:13
@starfruit: That’s a pretty good idea

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