Posted by Kindred Act 1: Vagrancy Signups

Kittenixie (#126870)

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Posted on
2018-09-04 16:36:02

There lived in the wilds a few groups of feral cats, making their homes in the forests and the moors and rivers and the places that humans had left behind to rot away. The groups did not exactly get along, but they managed to cooperate enough to split the lands between them, picking their leaders and following them to their graves.

The groups lived this way in peace for decades, perhaps even centuries. However, there came a time when that peace was to be shattered by an unknown force, and a group of the feral cats broke off, choosing to leave their home rather than brave it and run into certain death. These cats were to make a journey to a new home, lead by a certain few cats who received a prophetic dream of the disaster.

Together, a group of cats wander off into the unknown in hopes of finding a new land.

Kindred is a warrior cats-inspired roleplay, held on Discord, about two new Clans forming through adversity. Act 1: Vagrancy is the beginning of the roleplay, where a group of rogues leave their home to find a new place to stay.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or send an ask to the Tumblr blog!

If you are accepted, you will get a Discord friend request from a user named Kitten.

Many of the members of the discord are amazing artists! You can find some of our work for Kindred here:
Kindred Art

More Information | The Fallen Information | Signup Form | Official Tumblr

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Edited on 07/09/18 @ 14:22:48 by Kittenixie (#126870)

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