Posted by Heritage "Fix"

lowercase elfijah
santaski (#130713)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 12:38:56
Look, you know how this whole heritage "fix" made a whole bunch of clean breeders angry?

Admins, can you at least EXPLAIN to us how this bug WORKED so we can try to salvage our previously-clean lions?

This suggestion has 48 supports and 53 NO supports.

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Telem| Panda,
Inferno, x2 Ros (#140594)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 12:42:55
Okay chill. They will explain tomorrow if anything slow down

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 12:43:04
I'm sure it'll be explained in the weekly news post tomorrow.

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STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 12:52:15
This isn't really a suggestion? But yes, something needs to happen.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 12:52:32 by King Jackass|Çɮ|Nacara (#103364)

STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:01:18
I don't understand why people are hitting "no support". It will literally cost you nothing to just help us get out lineages situated.

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Lady Argent
(Clean/StM) (#146403)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:06:20
Thing is, even if it's explained tomorrow? Some people will have cubs due today, tomorrow, Saturday, that are now dirty because of their mothers. We've sunk lots of time and currency into our females being clean. The fact it was done with no preamble - before update day - is really damaging to a lot of clean breeders' projects. The fact that these parents never showed up on lion's pages OR their heritage means we had no way of knowing, and many clean breeders kinged kings for 25GB with that understanding.

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STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:07:37
I mean even if their was Preamble, what were we supposed to do? You cant prepare for your lion being dirty or clean, it either is or it isn't.

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Korb (#2663)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:26:28
so according to admins none of your clean lined lions were actually clean lined if you looked through the parents manually. that's pretty interesting

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 13:27:35 by Risio (#2663)

STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:32:27

How are we supposed to see it's dirty if everything is set to UNKNOWN? And they said before they had fixed this issue they misled us, which made this issue and now they're trying to dodge accountability by pointing to their TOS to say it's not their fault.

I already told them about their TOS, how they CANT use it as a shield against every little thing they do, and how they aren't the end all be all interpreters of it based on English law. It's SEEMS they've forgotten that.

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Korb (#2663)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:38:06
oh yeah I forgot about the unknown part sorry

still it's just a bug. and clean breeding was invented by the community, not a core aspect to the game.
(inb4 we paid gb on clean lions) if you paid gb for clean lining then that's not mods fault. again, community made thing.

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Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:43:16
I don't understand the whole uproar about whether your lion is clean or not.
Does inbreeding effect your lion? No. So why does it matter?

I understand that those who presumed their lions to be heritageless now have a whole tree of lions, but I personally like that it's being fixed.

It's kinda obvious anyway that almost every lion on Lioden (aside from NCL's and Raffle lionesses) are in some way related, especially to Moby Dick and the other popular studs.

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:45:00
The thing is, the lions weren't clean lined to begin with. A bug caused lions to show up as unknown in the heritage, whether it was clean or not, nobody had a way of knowing for sure.

Whether a solution this bug was found now or earlier, people would still be mad. Keep in mind that things like these can be hard to spot, and they're only human. The devs saw "oh dang, there's a bug that makes lions disappear from the heritage", and fixed it. They didn't just deliberately put dirty lions into the heritages just to screw people over.

For everyone severely affected by this fix, maybe they could just allow you to "cut off" the heritage, and everyone goes home happy.

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Lady Argent
(Clean/StM) (#146403)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:47:39
Africa, that's the entire point of clean breeding: the get away from the Big 4s lineages. It's not a sudden uproar: clean breeding has been going on for a long while, chugging along quietly. The reason we're upset is many of us have sunk a *lot* of time and money (both real world and site) into game assets that we had NO way of knowing weren't what we purchased. Nor did their sellers.

For that matter, we've SOLD game assets that we thought were one thing, but now were not. It doesn't just apply to heritageless kings: I had 5 different lionesses I had acquired who were clean to every known way of checking, up until now. Two of them had three pages of heritage that had no relation to the Big 4 and no inbreeding. They're now worthless to me and my projects. The whole idea of clean breeding is to make lineages that don't include the Big 4, to make the sitewide 'family trees,' as it were, more varied.

EDIT: And that would be sensible answer! The issue is that they are in fact blanket refusing to do anything but shrug at us and say it's our fault.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 13:48:40 by Lady Argent (Clean Topaz) (#146403)

STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:54:14
If I paid gb for clean lions it IS their fault if they turned out not to be clean because of a glitch they TOLD us they fixed and actually didn't.

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STUD] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:57:49
Like im SURE they didn't do it deliberately but regardless of what they intended, damage was done. People are angry, many are considering quitting the site altogether.

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 13:59:31
Dumb question, maybe: how did the heritage fix fuck things up for clean breeders?

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