Posted by [Discord] Semi-Realistic Apocalyptic Animal RP

painticide (#158852)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-06 10:52:44
Currently open! The roleplay will start once we have three other members.

After humans destroy the Earth and take themselves along with it, the only living things remaining on the planet are scattered groups of animals. As it becomes harder for them to survive, they realize they must band together in order to find the last inhabitable place in the world.

Read before joining!
1. Please be semi-literate. I don't expect you to type four paragraphs, but please reply with at least three sentences. If you're in a rush or you have writers block, it's fine if you only reply with two, but don't just say "She nodded." or something. >:(
2. Be nice to others in OOC! If you're not nice then I will eat you.
3. Please note that by semi-realistic I mean that the story might have a few magical elements to it-- think of Warriors. So, other than having visions or anything like that, please try to be realistic with your character's portrayal. I don't want to see shape shifting bears.
4. When you sign up your character, please try to skim through the other applications and see if your character's species is the same as any others. I'm okay with two or three wolves, but not five. Try to be unique! You have an unlimited amount of animals at your disposal, so go wild! Just don't be a bug ew >:(
5. Please limit your no. of characters to two.

Here is the link if you're interested!

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