Posted by The Rise Of The Dogs ~ Character Sheets [Open]

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-10-07 01:59:46

Main Roleplay Thread


The Sign-Up Sheet

Zodiac Sign:
Appearance: [do not put an image here. Describe their appearance so I can see the way you describe things in detail]
Appearance Image: [put your image here. Remember to add credit if its a real dog!]
RP Example:


Current Ratio: (M-F)

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Edited on 12/10/18 @ 05:20:41 by spooky star beans [off] (#112180)

rus Queen) (#28485)

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Posted on
2018-10-07 04:20:40
name Tonks
Breed, Australian Shepherd mixed German Shepherd
Gender, female
Age, three and a half years
B-day, August 16th
Zodiac sign, Leo
Tonks is a medium sized dog taking the shape of a German Shepherd the Deep chest and the face but the size of her mother and Australian Shepherd and also inherited the bobtail of her mother. She is tri-color with long dilky fur and with fuzzy fur that curls around the ears she's bulky and strong very serious and obedient she knows how to lead taking it from the shepherd breeds. Her eyes are Amber and even when she's silent it seems like they speak of a soul much older than her years.
Personality: Tonks although a medium age dog is very serious she stands her ground and it's difficult for her to put her Trust in anyone she recently escaped from her home where they would use her to fight against pit bulls she had her fair share of wins and scars to prove it but she got tired and the last fight almost killed her so she decided to escape digging beneath the fence fenced-in area they had her and she ran away to the woods.
Other: in her current state she finds herself in the woods and has dug a den it took her a few days deep enough for her to hide she currently is depressed and Confused.

Writing example,

//Ra had always been told that he would be king of the Sunset Pride, and the be wes to the lovely adolecent they called Patchs. He had know he wás in love with her when his eye fell upon her rare and interesting face. She never once rejected him, and had him bounding all over the savanah. Everything seemed to be coming togehter as it should have been? But on the day of the compromise and peace between the sunset pride and rhe desert peide? Desasterous event took place. A bright light shot from the sky so bright and loud that they had closed their ears and shut their eye. A loud menacing roar made the two prides snap their eyes open. Before them stood a miraculous lionness, bit this was no common lion. It was as blue as the nigght sky and its pelt shone like stars. Slowly, an evil grin strectcjed across what would have been the most miracuñous face, and in an instant that she attacked, it was over.The ground was stained with blood. The pride royalry had all been killed, but his counter attack to protect "Patches" was so filled with rage that she backed off. Anyhow, pride was now hers, but he would have to watch his back. Some were still loyal to him. But Angelus could strike at any moment.//


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Edited on 18/10/18 @ 15:03:59 by Bat {Satan Is Amused} 😈 (#68800)

🐆 faerie {FROZEN
- DM SIDE!} (#112180)

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Posted on
2018-10-07 11:57:31
Name: Deli
Breed: Greyhound
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years Old
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthdate: July 15th
(-) Introverted
(+) Reflective
(-) Anxious
(-) Insecure
(+) Observant
(+) Creative
(-) Pessimistic
(+) Alert
(+) Loyal
Appearance: Deli is a sensitive canid with a slender face, long neck, and long and droopy ears, with the left one being notched. She has thin legs, a stocky torso, feathery tail, and a slouched posture. She has icy blue eyes and a silvery grey body with darker points.
Backstory: Deli came from a shelter in Texas, and was adopted by a generous man named William. They lived in a two-story apartment and had the same basic routine: William and Deli would wake up, they’d eat breakfast, go on a walk, get morning tummy rubs, and William would go to work. Deli would sleep and wait for William, and when William came home they’d normally watch a movie. But one day Deli found him limp and unmoving. She slept there with his body on the carpet, and woke up, hoping to receive belly rubs but not getting any from beloved William. What caused his death, she was unsure. The last piece of the event she remembered, was people coming inside and starting to spill tears from their eyes, before taking Deli outside and leaving her there as ambulances came and police officers went into William’s home. Deli was confused, and needed attention, begged for it, but to no avail. The humans seemed to not notice her, and she was left all alone.

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Edited on 30/04/20 @ 21:58:26 by lyncsync (#112180)

Lio (#117598)

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Posted on
2018-10-07 12:49:24
Name: Kacey
Breed: Purebred husky, her family are long descendants from a husky breeder.
Gender: Female
Age: Two years, four months old.
Birthdate: Sept. 20th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Appearance: Kacey is a large, thick-furred dog with brown eyes. She has red fur along her back and face and a white underbelly. Her tail is thickly furred and she is very well-built in terms of muscle and fur density.
Personality: Sarcastic, curious, active, filled with energy, she likes doing what she wants to do at the time and lives life one day at a time.
Backstory: Kacey was born in a dwindling pack of husky dogs. In her old territory, food was increasingly hard to get and they couldn't rely on one another anymore. Eventually, at a year and a half, she was told to leave and fend for herself since her family could no longer provide for her growing self. She began traveling about on a lonely journey trying to find some place to settle. However, she has power issues and often fights for leadership in any group of dogs she finds; often getting kicked out as a result.
Other: She currently lives under a cliff in a small cave that only extends back about the length of her body. She eat pear
Appearance Image:

RP Example:
Kacey gnawed on the leg of a deer she had run off the edge of a cliff with satisfaction. It was rare to have a hunt as successful as this, and she would take full advantage of the extra food. Unfortunately, dogs weren't necessarily well-equipped to live in the wild. Expecially alone. With no human trash about for her to eat, she had to resort to wild prey; often leaving her chewing on plants and bark to try and quenche her hunger. She needed to find a pack if she wanted to live to see the next year. But she pushed that though to the back of her mind. After all, at the moment, she had food.

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Edited on 07/10/18 @ 12:56:48 by Lio (#117598)

Crispen (#158488)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-10-10 15:47:30
Name: Zayev
Breed: Dutch Shepherd
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Birthdate: June 25th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Appearance: Zayev is a wire haired Dutch Shepherd. He has gray fur with mottled, slightly faded gray spots. His coat is normally covered with a layer of dust.
Personality: Cocky and arrogant, he thinks he can do anything. Zayev never considers the consequences of his actions. Zayev is a natural trouble-maker, but he's rather brave and won't back down from a fight. Zayev will do anything to protect other dogs and the ones he loves.
Backstory: Zayev was born to a farmer's dog and a stray. He was born on a small farm near a large forest. Since, the farmer never anticipated the pups, the were thrown out, along with their mother. Almost all of his siblings died, whether by wild animals or cars. The only survivor of his litter were him and his sister, Finn.
Other: Cantaloupe
Part of Zayev's paw is gone from getting caught in a trap.
RP Example: Zayev looked back one more time at the farm where he'd been born, sinking in his own nostalgia. The road ahead of him was dangerous and a perilous journey awaited him. But, Zayev was eager to find his sister and mother, blissfully unaware of the danger lying ahead. He went head on into the forest, a courageous and brave spirit filled his sorrow soul.

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Edited on 10/10/18 @ 20:20:39 by Crispen (#158488)

Crispen (#158488)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-10-10 20:39:03
Name: Finn
Breed: Dutch Shepherd
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old
Birthdate: June 25th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Appearance: Finn is a wire haired Dutch Shepherd. Her coat is bunched up into tight curls like Zayev's. Finn's fur is a very dark gray, appearing almost black with very faded gray spots scattered across her body helter-skelter.
Personality: Finn is more level-headed and sensible than Zayev. However, she gets scared easily and cowers. She may think for a long time before doing it, often missing the opportunity.
Backstory: Alongside Zayev, Finn was born to a stray dog and a farmer's dog. She was abandoned near a road with her mother and brother near a forest. One by one, she saw them hunted or crushed to death. Zayev left after all this trauma leaving Finn and her aging mother alone in a forest.
Other: Finn has random dreams of traumatic life events earlier in her life.
RP Example: Zayev had lied to her. He wasn't off scavenging for food. He never returned. She sat alone in the forest, knowing she might die anyways. Finn would'be jumped, but for one thing... the will to find Zayev.

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Chaos| x3
Rosette (#158927)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 09:43:33
Name - Yutir
Breed - Akita
Gender - Male
Age - 3 years
Birth date - April 21st
Zodiac Sign - Aries
Appearance - Yutir is a huge Akita with thick fur. He has a black back and a white belly, the black covers his face and tail (otherwise the rest is white). He has striking blue eyes and is built well, which makes him come off as intimidating.
Personality - Nice, can be aggressive when provoked, Calm, Friendly but sometimes short tempered. He tries to help everyone he can.
Backstory - Yutir was abandoned by his owner, having been a hunting dog he adapted to his new enviroment easily. He was tough, though, and forgot about his owner. They didn't matter to him. They were the one that had abandoned him.
Other - WAtErmEloNN
RP Example - Yutir was dumped on the side of the road, his owner speeding away. He frowned and sat, waiting for his owner to come back but they kept driving. ``I've been abandoned. No need to waste time on the thought.`` He got up and turned heel, trotting into the forest. He was good at surviving and was a hunting dog himself so he made little effort to catch a rabbit. Laying under the starts as he ate, he tried to think of reasons his owner left him then shrugged. His life was going to be good.

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WintersLastRain (#50681)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 16:07:39
Name: Venus
Breed:Rough Collie
Age:6 years old
Birthdate:January 11th
Zodiac Sign:Capricorn
Appearance:She is a much smaller than average rough coated collie with a thick double coat, She has white fur with chocolate merle patches and tan points on her face as well as a merle spot on her body. She has small round ears that flop down 1/3 the way up as per the standard. She has a thick fluffy white tail. Venus also has a pink nose and paw paw pads to match, her eyes are soft blue.
Personality:A calm and gentle soul, never quick to judge. She is not easily angered and very level headed about everything. She has a very motherly tune about most things however she will tell you how it is. She isnt afraid to tell you when your behaving childish but will also tell you how you can improve an get better. She will never talk down to anyone.
Backstory: She wasnt always a street dog, Once a beloved show dog, she was raised be an older woman who cared for her very much. Venus was raised from puppy hood with the woman, who taught her to show kindness and respect for all walks of life. She loved an adored the woman very much. When venus turned two the woman fell ill and and tragically died, Venus was given to the woman's son who had no interest in taking care of venus he tied her up in the back yard where she would get water rarely and fed barely enough. a few month passed and venus grew lonely and tired, she begin pulling from the chain while the man was away at work until she slipped out and she ran and ran and she never looked back.
Other:Venus has a distrust of human men.
Appearance Image: [put your image here. Remember to add credit if its a real dog!]
cosette___145998__by_marekseta221-dcn3b4y.png |||||art_by___107506__on_lioden_by_marekseta221-dcj9yjl.png
Art by (#145998) on lioden|||||||||| art by (#107506) on lioden
Character/character design is mine and mine alone, i reserve all rights to her.
RP Example:
Venus|Rough Collie|Female|Current position:Forest
Venus softly padded through the forest listening carefully for any signs of life, she could hear the chips of birds, the noise of bugs, her nose swayed slightly. Her fur was still damp from morning dew and the sun was just starting to peak through the trees. She lowered her body and krept closer to her target, a small squirrel. She felt her stomach push her forward and closer toward her prey. She leaned back putting all her weight on her back leg then springed forward pouncing towards the unsuspecting squirrel. She want so lucky though. It bounced it the air and up the tree before she could catch it. She let out a disappointed sigh and moved on to look for more food.

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Edited on 11/10/18 @ 19:13:56 by ♥VenusCollie ♥ (#50681)

Mother Grey (#133157)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 19:08:28
Name: Beni
Breed: German Shepherd ( Panda base )
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Birthdate: June, 28
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Appearance: Beni is rather large given not only his breed and gender, but also his genetic variation. He took on his father's trait of being fairly large, and his mother's fur pattern in which makes him stand out in comparison to those around him. The majority of his fur is that of a dark brown, however he does have a white underbelly and copper-brown here and there to contrast the dark fur. His eyes however, stand out more than anything, acting as his predominant trait. His right eye is that of an icy blue, whereas his left is a brown... Each being bordered by a fur color similar to that of the eye. ( White bordering the blue, dark brown bordering the brown ) His left shoulder bares a scar that had been inflicted when he was a pup, it's cause unknown given his young age. It is now lined with fur, however some parts of it either have yet to, or will never grow fur in that area again.
Personality: Beni, despite what his appearance may make one assume, is quite kind... Caring... Considerate... He's filled with love, and has plenty to give. He's attentive to those who speak or desire attention, and he's there for people when needed... However. He's quite naive when it comes to most things relating to... Well. Relationships in general. Given that he was sold at a young age, living in a house where his owner was never around, he lacked the ability to create true or meaningful relationships, whether that be romantic or not.
Backstory: Beni grew up a pretty simple life... Having been born thanks to a breeding program before being sold off to a household, or more specifically, a family farm. He'd spent most of his life being trained by a human to hunt creatures that threatened to eat their plants... Or to herd their free-roaming animals... To be good and proactive in terms of the farm's purpose.
Other: Pear
Appearance Image: [put your image here. Remember to add credit if its a real dog!]
Image removed by moderator
Lineart by: demireality on Deviant art ( this was a FREE base )
Coloring/Shading by: Myself

RP Example:

Context: Spruce is a medicine cat of an evolving tribe. This description depicts his time to reflect upon just how far they've come.
Novitiates ( apprentices )
Combatant ( warrior )
Monarch ( leader )
Youths ( kits )
Sparrow ( the current leader of his tribe )

Spruce smiled softly from where he sat in a shaded area of camp, his long tail flicking back and forth by his side while his eyes scanned the clearing... Today was the day... Another ceremony for another batch of novitiates... And to congratulate one of the said novitiates into their rank in which he'd worked hard for... Once again he found himself looking at just how far they've come... They'd be welcoming a young warrior with spirit into the combatant role... Allowing him to train others just like him... They were welcoming youths onto a path that would shape their skills and knowledge to whatever role they desired among the tribe... All of this had been done by Sparrow... Sure, she had help... But she was the one who brought them all together in harsh times... She was the one who shaped the tribe as it is today... Setting its customs... Carving the paths for the youths... Training their first graduating novitiate... How proud she must be. Seeing her tribe as it is today. Spruce knew he himself was very proud... Though he couldn't imagine what the monarch was feeling, even as she spoke... Showing said pride... He was positive that there were mixed emotions, all in which were positive despite the recent life that had been taken to their ancestors merely hours ago. She'd recovered and was now acting as a beacon that radiated through the camp, raising peoples' spirits and hopes with a simple act of keeping her head up. He was glad that he could be here today to see this... That this would forever be in his memories when walking among the tribe... That there was always hope. That they would always progress... Move on... And more importantly... Thrive.

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Edited on 14/10/18 @ 01:32:11 by Wyndy-but-Spooky [Pearl] (#12183)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-10-11 21:18:26
Name: Mocha
Breed: Pitbull
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Birthdate: December 18
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Appearance: [do not put an image here. Describe their appearance so I can see the way you describe things in detail] Mocha is a muscly toffee brown pitbull with hazel eyes and a white chest and belly. She is a little taller than knee height and has a whip like tail. her ears are floppy and dont stand up like some pitbulls but thats ok.
Personality: Mocha is protective, kind, gentle, fierce, and a leader type of dog.
Backstory: Mocha grew up in a house with 4 adults and 3 kids. Two of the adults, the ones called Auntie Liz and Uncle Matt left when she was 6ish but visited every friday and every sunday. Mocha grew up with a Pitbull Black lab mix named Luna. Luna was older than Mocha by two years and loved Mocha as much as Mocha loved Luna. Mocha protected the oldest child, Katie and her siblings, Michael and Ellie. Mocha protected them from everyone who walked on the sidewalk and the mail man and the ups man and all the delivery guys; even if they were on the other side of the street.
Other: Cantaloupe
Appearance: mocha is a brown pitbull with white that goes from her chin to under her stomach. Her eyes are a chocolate brown.
Appearance Image: This is a pic of Mocha who was my dog. She lived from 2004-2014.
Free Image Hosting at
RP Example:
Context: Shujaa is the King of a growing pride. Crackle a wandering male has just announced his presence and is being mean to two of Shujaas lionesses.

"Yeah I remember that. Let her have some freedom, she needs it. she'll get hurt, its part of learning." Hearing the Roar Shujaa jumps up. "I don't think that was someone in the pride" He said. Quickly getting up and leaving Hidden, Shujaa runs towards the source of the roar, his own roar announcing his arrival defiantly. No one was going to enter his lands with out permission and not be warned. He was king and this was his land. Not the land of some wandering male.

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Edited on 15/10/18 @ 10:57:25 by snini9 (#154479)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-10-12 01:07:28
Name: Toffee
Breed: Kangal Shepherd
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years
Birthdate: August 27th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Toffee is 31 inches tall at his shoulders, a height which is slightly above average for his breed standard. He still towers over most other dogs, but while he's well-muscled and seems rather intimidating, Kangal Shepherds aren't as heavily built as most mastiff breeds, allowing for better agility and speed. He has thick fur which is mostly pale fawn in colour. He has white underfur and white socks on his two front legs. He has black markings on his muzzle and floppy, triangular-shaped ears.
Though Toffee may look intimidating at first glance, he's really a big teddy bear on the inside. He's a calm, gentle dog who'll protect those closest to him with his life. He has a big heart, and can't stand seeing others in pain. It's a trait that means it's easy for him to make friends, but it doesn't always come in handy in the life of a stray; it makes it much easier for another dog to take advantage of his kindness. He's perhaps a bit too quick to trust others initially, once someone does betray him it hurts him deeply, and he can hold grudges for a long time.
Toffee spent the first three years of his life living every dog's dream. He lived in a spacious house with a large garden, where he'd spend hours upon hours playing with a little girl from the family owned him; the very same little girl that gave him his rather candy-inspired name. He would have happily spent his entire life with that family, but after the father of the girl lost his job it forced the family to move into the city in search of something better. They planned to move into an apartment, and unfortunately had to leave Toffee behind because he was too large of a dog. He was given to a new owner who planned to use him as a guard dog, leaving him outside in his kennel all day. Unable to bear the sudden lack of human contact, Toffee dug his way out of the kennel and fled to the city, where he now roams the alleys.
Other: Image is linked to its source. Pear.
RP Example:
[This is from a horse RP that I tried out for.]

Strider snorted as he reached the ground, clearing yet another fence. He was well into the competition and he didn't know how he was doing compared with the other horses, but, judging by the excitement of the crowd, he must've been achieving an amazing time. He was tired, but he was going to keep giving it his all. 'Come now, this is no time to lose focus,' he reminded himself, snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his rider pull on his bit. He was steered sharply around an obstacle, revealing a tall fence no more than four strides ahead of him. The noise of the crowd was at its peak now, some of the onlookers standing up out of their seats to cheer him on. A rush of excitement coursed through the stallion's body as the realization set in that this was the last fence. With his round completely clear up until now, he had a good chance at winning. His rider's heels poked at his sides, encouraging him on towards the fence, but Strider didn't need to be told twice. Now with renewed vigor, he swiftly approached the fence, lifting his front legs off the ground and taking off with a strong push from his hindquarters.

Suddenly he couldn't hear the crowd anymore, time seeming to slow to a stop as he felt one of his hooves clipping the top pole. It was only the lightest touch, but sometimes that was all it took to throw away a perfectly good round. He waited to hear the pole hitting the sand, the dreaded sound that would signal a knockdown and four faults against him and his rider; but all he heard next was the thumps of his hooves reaching the ground - followed almost immediately by the roaring of the crowd. As he rode onwards he managed to steal a glance back, only to see the top pole of the fence shake ever-so-slightly before coming to a stop, staying perfectly in place. He'd cleared it! Upon hearing the commentator through the speakers he'd toss his head up triumphantly, "Zero faults and an impeccable time of 60.248 seconds for Richard Whitaker and Velvet Stride! That score puts them right up into first place."

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 03:27:50
Name: Carter
Breed: Pit Bull
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Months
Birthdate: February 6th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Appearance: A quite muscular young Bluenose, yet he is quite tiny! His fur is a dull blue-grey. He has a white strip starting at his bottom lip, and going down to his belly. White little toes, and striking blue eyes. He has cropped ears. His muscles are a bit... unnatural... They are way too buffed for his size and age.
Personality: He acts tough and mean, but he’s really just a soft little pup! He loves playing and having his little belly full.
Backstory: Carter was born in a “purebred breeding facility”, but it was really just an inbred puppy mill. He was pawned off for about $20 USD since he was a sickly little runt. Carter’s new owner threw him in an outdoor kennel. There were many rows of kennels, full with half-starved dogs with gashes and open wounds. Human men would come and stick needles into their shoulders and backs and haunches, loading them with steroids. Every once in a while, they would do that to Carter. But then came the day. Carter was put into a small, cold cage and was loaded into a rental moving truck with about twenty other dogs. They were in the hot trailer for hours, and the door finally lifted open. They were unloaded and kept into the cages, but they would stay in the cages until a man took one out and the dog was pushed into a small, sandy fight ring. In Carter’s perspective, he would hear barking and snarling and humans yelling. Sometimes the dogs would come back, bloodied and broken. And other times, they were never seen again. Then, his cage door swung open and a catchpole wire was slid around his neck. He was dragged into the ring. He saw the opponent. A giant, rabid-looking male with bloodshot eyes. But then there was a loud commotion. Red and blue lights were flashing. New humans with guns were screaming. The humans in the stands all put their hands in the air and screamed and climbed over each other. Many humans were taken away, including the one that bought Carter. All of the dogs were put into large cages inside of nice, airy trailers. They were all taken to a nicer-looking kennel, and were looked over by kind humans in white, rubbery clothing. But one night, Carter got out. He squeezed under the fence and ran. He ran as far as he could, as long as he could.
Other: Cantaloupe
RP Example:
The White She-wolf licked her pups as they nursed. They were born just a week ago, and they were still too small... She knew that because she had two litters in the past, but they all died at a few months. She smiled. These put would live. They had to live. These pups wouldn’t leave her sight. She smiled at them. She was proud.
The white alpha smiled. The pups were fast asleep. She licked their tiny backs and laid down her head. She hadn’t left the den in a day or two. When she did, it was to get a breath of fresh air, to do her waste, or to bring a small carcass to snack on. There was a pool of water on the den, and there was usually prey brought to her. Her eyes closed and she slept

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Jessie (#148395)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 10:05:16
Name: Charlie
Breed: Border Collie/Labrador Retriever/American Bulldog/ Greyhound (lurcher)
Gender: male
Age: 3
Birthdate: Halloween night
Zodiac Sign:
Appearance: medium sized dog, long, thin, slightly curled tail, heavy muscular shoulders and a big labrador head with soft eyes with the intense Border Collie stare. Has a slender but muscular build, deep chest, long legs with big paws. Mostly short coat but a longer ruff on the backs of his legs, and on his face, as well as tassels on his ears. Has a dark brindle coat with a white chest, and white toes. Dark brown eyes.
Personality: smart, tough, playful, kinda goofy.
Backstory: Charlie was born a stray in an abandoned church.
Other: is a fantastic hunter and fighter
RP Example: charlie padded down the alleyway, following his nose...there was food here...the resturant at the end of the alley! Picking up the pace he trotted to the end, looking around before leaping deftly into the dumpster. He nosed through soggy produce boxes, finally finding his treasure- A slightly spoiled bag of chicken breasts and a pile of stuffing. He ate greedily before realising there was a pair of eyes on him. He stiffed, giving a warning bark.

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