Posted by | Blood Moon Rising(Post Apocalyptic, Discord) OPEN |
![]() TripleRedEye (#128266) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-08 17:41:44 |
This is a rp based around the TV series and book Zoo. However you do not need to have seen or read the book in order to participate. This is a Discord based rp When animals around the planet begin to attack humankind, it is up to the world to take action, or allow themselves to perish. Humans all across the planet are suffering from thousands of vicious and brutal animal attacks, from wild animals entering highly populated cities to slaughter people, to household pets turning on their owners and seemingly killing them in cold blood. The most common indicator of this behavior is a deviance in one or both of thier pupils. The increase in aggressive behavior is due to hydrocarbons in petroleum and cell phone radiation which has affected the pheromones that are normally secreted. These pheromones have morphed into something resembling what makes insects attack when their nest is disturbed and since essentially all mammals other than humans have an incredible sense of smell, they are attacking the source of the secretion: human beings. Scientists inform the President of this discovery and realizes that there is only one way to test whether this theory is truly valid: they must shut down all electrical items and cell phone towers worldwide to see if this stops the aberrant animal behavior. The President complies, and issues a broadcast declaring a two week cessation of electrical power. No one is allowed to use electricity, to drive, or to use a cell phone for two weeks. As the blackout begins, animal attacks worldwide do not simply decrease, they all but stop completely and scientists realized that they had indeed found the source of the problem. They realize that there is much work ahead, to find a new way for humans to operate without using those same hydrocarbons that incited the aggressive behavior in the first place, but merely a week into the blackout, people are beginning to use electricity again, despite the ban. Planes are flying, people are using generators and cell phones, and people are out driving in the streets once more. However, as soon as humans resume their use of electricity, the animals attack begin anew, this time more vicious and ferocious as ever. Even the White House is overrun with snarling dogs and rats searching for blood. Finally, the President is forced to evacuate to Greenland near the Arctic Circle, with a select group of scientists who will work on a plan to reverse the pheromonal changes the animals are experiencing and leaving the world to defend themselves. The world today isn't what you remember. It is cruel, dangerous, and everything has been turned on its head. Unless of course you were one of the unlucky ones. There was originally an objective to kill all the animals on the planet called the Noah Objective, but it failed completely leaving the world to try and scramble for a cure to the mutation. Five years after the President and the world's scientists went underground the world has become a dog eat dog planet where you not only have to worry about the animals hunting you, but also the humans that are surviving with you. There is no government, limited power anywhere, and only small pockets for safety that humans can remain in. Now you only have one choice: Will you be a survivor or one of the ones that fall prey? THE GROUPS Rebels This group works actively against the militia groups because they want see the cure happen and have faith in everything going back to where it used to be. Or at least some resemblance of what the world used to be. They don't believe that the animals deserve to be killed for any other reason other than self defense or for food. Naturalists This group believes that the world belongs to the animals and that is how it should be. They believe that the mutation is their way of taking back what was already theirs. They don't show aggressiveness toward the other groups and are the most hospitable, but they do not allow weapons of any sort to be carried within their camps. Militia This group is namely the most dangerous of all the groups. They are active hunters of the animals because they wanted the Noah Objective to work because they didn't want any sort of connection to the animals that had killed their families, friends, or members. They have active hunting parties and they don't tend to be trusting of the other groups. The only requirement needed for the RP is that you need to be able to post at least three to four sentences per reply. We are currently accepting new members <3 PM for discord link ![]() Edited on 08/10/18 @ 17:42:27 by Hyperion (#128266) |
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