Posted by Make "Check Marks" more user-friendly

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-10-10 08:31:59
I have done this twice, where I'll accidentally copy the "#" before a lion's ID and press the button to check, spending the SB just to get the message that the lion in question doesn't have any hidden marks. So then I have to spend ANOTHER 150SB in order to actually check the lion.

I'm proposing a little tiny bit of coding that wouldn't let you go through with spending the SB if you have symbols other than numbers within the box.

Instead you'd get an error message saying something like "Sorry! Please only enter the numeric digits of your lion's ID in the box!" So that poor shmucks like me will stop wasting SB on something so trivial.

This suggestion has 48 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/10/18 @ 08:33:52 by Dez {Lights off!!} (#66551)

kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2018-11-13 19:39:23
agree completely! even if it's 'only' 150sb, it adds up, especially if you check a lot!

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