Posted by Warriors Discord RP - Broken Peace

Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-10-14 13:38:41
Broken Peace - A Warrior Cats Discord RP

Upon the first moon of leaffall, a prophecy is delivered to each medicine cat; but Agileclan's medicine cat suddenly falls deathly ill. Unable to utter the prophecy before their death, Agileclan is dropped in the dark. Swiftclan and Rapidclan fear the worst and dread the next gathering. As food becomes scarce in the first throes of leafbare, Agileclan is pushed to lead raids upon Rapidclan using the only warriors who can swim. Rapidclan sees this as a sign of the prophecy coming true and sends word to Swiftclan who bears arms against Agileclan; much to their confusion. Underneath the shroud of night, a cat risen from the Dark Forest, strikes while the iron is hot, leading Rapidclan to believe they have been betrayed by Swift. The clans fall into war, as cats begin to disappear, pouring more and more dread and despair into each clan. Then, like a savior on the wind, a new prophecy airs, a vision of a cat covered in inky black collapsing beneath a bright moon-sun. The clans try to form countless truces but they always fall through, the Dark Forest cat carving its way through the clans as they wallow in attempt to save themselves.

About The Clans

AGILECLAN - The Forest Dwellers
Named after their strong-muscled hind legs, their skill when it comes to jumping, and most importantly how agile they are while in the trees, these larger cats have dominance over the other two clans. AgileClan are the bullies, they have less of a regard for the Warrior Code compared to SwiftClan and RapidClan, and will take what they need without a care who they hurt. They also tend to have a close connection to Dark Forest cats, and may have even been trained by these evil cats, which would explain why they are how they are today.

SWIFTCLAN - The Moorland Runners
These cats were named after their speed. Swift on their paws, quick like rabbits, and blending in almost like chameleons, SwiftClan cats are perfectly suited for their moorland home. Although they are the smallest cats of the three clans, they would only be defeated in battle if their enemies could catch them! They're also known as kindhearted cats, being the closest to StarClan both physically and spiritually. A simple myth passed down through the generations of this clan, normal warriors, apprentices, or even kits have been known to be visited in their dreams by their starry ancestors to receive both warnings and guidance.

RAPIDCLAN - The Island Swimmers
Having four strong-muscled legs, sleek pelts, and slender builds, these cats move through water like it's nothing. Able to swim through the strong rapids that mostly surround their island home, RapidClan is the most difficult clan to get to if they were to be raided or attacked. This clan is more neutral compared to the evil AgileClan and the good SwiftClan, and they tend to keep to themselves instead of sticking their noses where they don't belong. They are the typical clan, the leader and medicine cat are the only ones who speak to StarClan, but they have some strange customs. To teach their young to swim, the kits will be tossed into the calmest of the rapids at the age of six moons, before they become an apprentice, so they can prove themselves to their clanmates. No cat has failed, yet...

Want To Join?
To join, simply reply below with an RP sample of no less than 4-5 sentences. RP sample must be Warrior Cats related, but you can use any type of cat. Kittypet, Loner, Rogue, Clan cat, all are fine! If you are accepted, I will PM you with the invite link to the discord. Hope to see you there!


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buri (#149530)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 07:33:53
Hiii! I'm interested in joining ee!! QvQ here's my handy dandy example eee

"Suddenly a wave of memories crashed into her and she finally remembered, "Ashtalon... Killed me!" she somberly observed the area. With a weakened body and a broken heart, she carried herself away to find some sort of shelter, and some means of medical aide. Littlestar wouldn't forget the utter betrayal she had to face, as she traced the foreign territory, she planned what it took to get back home."

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-10-18 21:40:32
Hiya! This looks really interesting. Here's my RP example from another Warrior Cats RP I'm in on Discord:

Softstep returned to the Dawnclan camp, the scent of freshly-gathered lavender clinging to her fur. She made her way towards her den, the stalks of the strong-smelling flowers held carefully in her maw. She’d left earlier in the day, and was happy to see that more of the Clan was out and about now. She’d also wanted to go and get more fresh moss, so maybe she’d grab one of them to help her with the task.

Noticing that the Leader and Deputy were out, she pricked up her ears and attempted to say hello to the pair. The lavender in her mouth made that a tad bit difficult, and her greeting came out sounding more like a muffled mew.

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milkfroth (#34714)

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Posted on
2018-10-19 05:31:40
i’d be very interested in joining! here’s my example <3

“Quailfeather! Quailfeather!” The cream she-cat sighed as she heard her name being called again. The kits, already a few moons old, were always waking her up. It seemed like ages since she last had a proper night of sleep! “What is it, Rosekit?” The queen turned around, curling her tail around the small reddish-brown she-kit in an attempt to calm the wriggling ball of fur.

“Branchkit and Whitekit are being bossy and they won’t let me play with them!” Rosekit cried, shaking Quailfeather’s tail off her. Quailfeather stifled a sigh and got up. “Don’t play with Branchkit and Whitekit then,” she answered. Rosekit seemed unsatisfied with the answer. “Tell them to stop!”

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Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-10-19 10:53:35
I’ll send PMs after I get home from school, thank you for your interest :)

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