Posted by Bring back 'currency' filter option in TC?

Auris (#102788)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 11:41:56
Okay so unless I'm missing it and I'm an incredibly stupid and blind person, I noticed that the option to filter trades which has sb or gb, called currency, in it is gone. The old filter had 'currency' as an option, but now there is only lions, items, basic, beetles and, its surprisingly hard to find trades for just GB (not talking about the gb sale for just sb I mean an actual trade for GB for x item(s) so I suggest they bring back the currency option to filter through all trades with either sb or gb or maybe even both for trade.

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 12:14:36
I honestly prefered the other way, where I could just type in the general thing i wanted and it would show trades with it in the name, that got it close enough 😬

Type in SB/GB and you could get thise types of trades..

Oh but I guess it does have a keyword spot in basics that would do the same thing?

I still prefer the old way

And if you mean GB sales, that is still there, next to the raffle spot

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Edited on 15/10/18 @ 12:16:28 by Fading Angel (#81854)

Auris (#102788)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 12:25:20
No I know GB sales exist, but just for one takes crazy amounts of sb. I'm talking about the trades that hold 15+ gb at once sometimes for a certain item the Lister is looking for and no the key word is basically for the trade titles that have GB in the title, not necessarily just GB itself. I tried that and saw no trades holding GB in it. There probably are but because GB is in the title of so many trades its a lot of searching when you are just looking for a trade containing GB for a certain item.

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Edited on 15/10/18 @ 12:27:03 by Superstitious Weasel (#102788)

Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 12:48:07
Oh sorry.

I dont recall the old way having a way without the keyword search 😣

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 12:50:28
There used to be a drop down box to filter searches at the top of the trade center results, next to the words "Recent Trades".

You could filter ones containing currency, lions, items, or beetles.

Now we can only filter lions, items, and beetles.

Support from me, it's difficult finding the results you're wanting for trades that are looking to buy things.

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2018-10-15 12:51:21
So if we had that filtering already, why did they change it to this?

I know you guys dont know :P

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Edited on 15/10/18 @ 12:51:46 by Fading Angel (#81854)

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