Posted by recessive genes

straight back gsd (#67273)

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Posted on
2018-10-17 16:20:10
I think that adding recessive genetics to Lioden would make the game more fun, more realistic, and more interesting for newbies. Here are my reasons:
If lions could pass bases that they didn't inherit directly, it would add some value to potato cubs and offer a cheaper option for someone looking to get into breeding a particular base but not able to drop several GB on a lion all of a sudden. Say you bred a desirable "a" base to a common "b" base, but the cub inherited the "b" base. You could pay some sb (similar to revealing fertility) to tell you whether or not your lion has a chance of passing that recessive base. This could also allow for the implementation of new bases that are only recessive, which would help to create a more diverse market with a less sharp distinction between common and rare bases.
To keep it simple, I think that most recessive breedings should have a 25% chance of passing on their recessive base. Breeding a 25% lion to another 25% keeps the 25% chance of passing it on and breeding to a 100% passer (i.e., an "a" lion) would make a 50% chance. If you bred them to a lion with a different recessive base, neither of them have a chance of passing it on.
I'm sure there's more I missed, and I know this would be a huge change, but I really think this would make the game more fun. I know I get pretty discouraged when I breed a good lion and get worthless cubs, and this would at least give them the potential of some worth and help encourage newer players to stick with it rather than giving up.
if you don't support please explain why! thanks.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 14 NO supports.

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AnimeWolf56 (#33369)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-11-01 07:00:20
i think this could make breeding projects more interesting, and it probably wouldnt be too hard to give lions a little punnet square or something and highlight which one the inherited

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-11-01 16:56:37
This would be interesting 0.o (ever since I learned about Punnet Squares I have had a newfound interest in genetics)

However, I could see that this might be difficult since cubs don't usually inherit their dad's albino base or their mom's brimstone base, for example; they're more likely to inherit other bases in the base genetics category than one of their parent's bases. A cub would likely get a black light solid common base but not the father's albino base specifically.

Support anyway, because in the end it's up to the coders whether something is too difficult or not.

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