Posted by Looking for 1x1

KittyKat929 (#160400)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-10-23 11:25:10
Hello! As you can see by the title I am looking for a new 1x1 partner or two. I've been roleplaying for 5+ years but recently I had to take a break so I'm a bit rusty at the moment. Anyways now a bit about myself and my roleplaying stuffs.

Original character or a fandom character?

I make up my characters to fit each roleplay I do but they usually follow the same general idea for one character, my OC. I haven't played any fandom characters before but I would be willing to give it a shot though don't expect to much


At this point in time I just want a partner that won't disappear on me. I prefer to create a general roleplay plot and characters then wing the rest. I find that fully fleshing out a roleplay plot gets boring really easily. What's the fun if you know ever single thing that's gonna happen? Here's a short list of my favorite types of roleplays
Most animals but especially wolves or dragons
Werewolves and vampires

Average reply length?

I tend to give what my partner give but my own style is usually anywhere from 5 sentences to a paragraph. I've been out of roleplaying for a while so I may be a bit rusty at first

Average reply speed?

I basically have no life so I can constantly roleplay unless I'm with my boyfriend. I will let you know if something comes up and I won't be able to roleplay for a bit or if my replies will be slow

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I do not like groups. I haven't ever had a good experience with group roleplays so I would strongly prefer a 1x1. Other than that I'm pretty open to anything

Would you like to share any additional information?

I am 23 years old and would prefer a partner that's 18+ simply because I like romance in my roleplays. Like I said before I have been out of the roleplaying world for a few years so I may be rusty when we start. Also I would strongly prefer to take our roleplay to Discord. I prefer to play as female characters with my partner playing as a male simply cause I like romance but I would be open to playing with a female partner if we come up with a good enough idea.

Alrighty then if you made it through all this then congrats. I hope I'll be talking to you soon!

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