Posted by .:The Fodder Project:.

Astaroth (#54882)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 16:38:06

This is an official clan thread for the The Fodder Project Clan!


Here at The Fodder Project our goals are to provide fodder lions to those who are having trouble reaching their karma goals. We're dedicated to providing the following for our clan members!
- Cheap lions
- Bulk discounts
- PAID claimer jobs
- Loyalty programs
For more information on these goals, and how we're striving to reach them, please continue reading!


You can go about purchasing in two different ways
First, you can fill out the form below and Message our leader
Or you could comment with the filled out form, and the leader will set up a private trade!


Number of lions:*
Loyalty ID:
Due date:
Due date reason:

"What's a Loyalty ID?" You may be asking, well, a loyalty ID is a number that you will be assigned after a certain amount of purchases. We use this to keep track of what discounts you have earned from prior purchases! The amount of valid trades needed is kept secret, to avoid people buying one lion at a time to get a higher trade amount. We ask that upon being issued your Loyalty ID you include it in every purchase. We want to make sure everyone gets the discounts they are entitled to!

Please only include a due date if it is absolutely necessary. We have lots of orders, but we try to rush all orders that are time sensitive! Please do not take advantage of this. If you are suspected to be taking advantage of the due date option, the due date on your orders will be ignored for a determined amount of time.


We have indefinitely suspended our "breeder" project in favor for "claimers"
Claimers do the job of claiming up to 7 lions per day to be used as fodder.
Claimers are paid a weekly salary as well as 9 per lion they send. If they send less than 2 lions a week, they won't be paid a weekly salary.

Weekly salary depends on how many weeks that the claimer has been working. First week is 30 , the second week is 150 , third and so-forth is 300

Weekly salary usually comes out of the admin's pockets, not from fodder sales or donations. Due to this, we cannot currently afford to hire any new claimers, but a public announcement will be made when we are hiring again.

Current claimers:
FoggyDownpour (#149684)

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Echoingsong (#36169)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 03:16:58
Can I please be a claimer!!!!??? I claim soooo many lions every day and I hate chasing perfectly good karma!

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D-Votee (#36401)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 03:19:54
SAMEEEEEE (Echoingsong (#36169)'s side account)

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Astaroth (#54882)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 18:11:46
I'm sorry, but at the moment due to budget constraints, we cannot afford to take on more claimers. Our current claimer (FoggyDownpour (#149684)) suits our needs perfectly.
Although, after some clan growth we may be able to open the position up to new applicants. Would you like to be placed on the ping-list for this?

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D-Votee (#36401)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 22:04:21
Yes I would, but at this point I will send fodder for free.

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Astaroth (#54882)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 23:29:22
If you're willing to send them for free, we're not opposed to accepting them LOL

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