Posted by LF 1x1 RP partners

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 12:39:08
Preferably on Discord, but I can do PMs here if needed.

I'll try to keep this short, sweet and to the point. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. My Discord is Motsumi#2814, only use it if asking about RP.

I am not on all the time, but on my days off from work I'm pretty much on all day with the exceptions of sleep, dinner and other times I may be offline. I will let you know if something comes up though.

What I'm looking for:

Primarily romance, MxM mostly. I may do MxF but please ask me first.

Some drama (if I'm using Dominic, it's to be expected with his profession)

Family related stuff (Like discussing the future, with marriage, etc.)

-- If it gets to characters discussing children, please discuss that with me so we can come up with options if my potential RP partners dislike mpreg for whatever reason. (And I know not everyone is okay with it) I just am hesitant to RP something like adoption or surrogacy unless it is discussed first instead of jumping head first into the scenario.

Good plot ideas (I have a lot, but I'm open to hear ideas)

Ask if there is anything else you want to toss in.

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