Posted by Main Male 1x1 on Discord

Tacosaurus (#142569)

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2018-11-05 17:11:41
I was just curious to see if anyone wanted to roleplay with their main male! I can do things from semi-literate, up to advanced literate. Just message me! We can discuss settings, and plot, as well as any other thing. I'm fine with any genre as well! I don't mind what we do, so long as you're happy, so don't be afraid to put in any idea! I don't have any triggers, just so long as you make sure anything seen as a trigger is not excessive. As in, do whatever you want, just don't make it the entire plot

My discord is PricklyPear13#9696

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Edited on 05/11/18 @ 17:12:07 by PricklyPear (#142569)

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