Posted by Update Territory Neighbors

Snaffle (#219)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-07 19:46:15
Whenever I want to fight an enemy, I spend way more time trying to find a reasonable opponent than actually spent fighting. If I find an opponent that isn't 1k+ they are on cool down, because all the high skill lions have already picked out all the low targets. I think the neighbors that surround your territory should be within -/+ 100 skill of your lion, as well as -/+ 2 levels. This will make it less aggravating to try and combat, as well as more challenging for higher level/skill lions instead of being surrounded by low level/skill lions.

So if I were to have an example using my king, all the surroundings territories would be between levels 7-11, and skills 211-411. I think that there would be plenty of options to choose from. I think the main issue would be the higher levels and skills, but already there is a cap on the levels you can attack, and I'm sure the leaderboards level 128 lion already has trouble finding opponents.

Perhaps once you hit level 20, the skill difference becomes something like -/+ 1000 difference?

A scaling level/skill difference might help all lower and higher level/skill lions find appropriate opponents.

This suggestion has 20 supports and 1 NO support.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-11-07 20:37:08
If you're having issues winning fights, have you tried to use the Search tool? It takes 30 seconds to find an almost guaranteed win.

For example: [x]
Search level 5, order by lowest stats.

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Edited on 07/11/18 @ 20:43:48 by Kraft (#738)

Jibberish (#160431)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 20:46:57
I'm not having issues winning fights, I'm having issues with the territory window not having reasonable opponents. I have used the search tool before, but that isn't what I'm proposing is changed. What is the purpose of the territory window if you cannot find comparable opponents right there? I think it should be updated so it can serve everyone better.

Edit: Accidentally posting with side account.

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Edited on 07/11/18 @ 20:47:24 by Jibberish (#160431)

Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-11-07 21:20:30
Apologies! I assumed being unable to find reasonable opponents may mean you were settling for less desirable ones - leading to unsuccessful results ^-^
But yes, an update to the people displayed on your map would be good, especially for newer players!

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🌌 Rio 🌌 G1
Svelte 3.6K (#159814)

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Posted on
2018-11-14 08:26:43
Kraft, how do you order by lowest stats?

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Snaffle (#219)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-14 12:56:41
You click on T.Stats and it'll order by lowest

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🌌 Rio 🌌 G1
Svelte 3.6K (#159814)

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Posted on
2018-11-14 12:58:04
I can only play on mobile and I don't have an option like that.

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Snaffle (#219)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-14 12:59:48
Just loaded it on mobile and right above the stats there's a title that says T.Stats, click it.

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🌌 Rio 🌌 G1
Svelte 3.6K (#159814)

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Posted on
2018-11-14 13:06:01
The only thing resembling that on my screen says "total stats" and it's not clickable.

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Snaffle (#219)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-14 13:09:04
It should look like this:

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🌌 Rio 🌌 G1
Svelte 3.6K (#159814)

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Posted on
2018-11-14 13:12:26
Ohhh.. I feel dumb. Sorry for bothering you but thanks!

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