|:| Feral Pride |:|
The Story
Years Ago….
Two lionesses, the daughters of a formidable King, have been raised in glory and praise, taught that they could do no wrong. However, despite this, the two grew up to be two very different lionesses. One became a healer, dedicating their life to helping others and doing everything they can to promote good. The other, while not necessarily evil, grew up to crave power and glory, very much like their father. Normally, the would be overlooked as successors, instead a male sibling would take the throne when their father stepped down. However, that plan goes awry when their only brother is mortally wounded in a territory skirmish with another pride, and later dies. Leaving only two options for the King’s successor, the two sisters.
The first is the more preferred option, she is king and understanding, and very benevolent lioness. She would make a fantastic Queen who would never lead her pride astray. However, some view her as weak due to her aversion to violence. She fully believes that most things can be handled in a peaceful way. They even fear she wouldn’t do what is necessary to retain the territory, and so the pride would fall to chaos.
However, many fear the idea of the second because Queen, as she is more power hungry than her own father. She isn’t evil, she does care about others, but she is harsher and less forgiving than her sister. Just as many believe she would lead them down a path of danger and violence, needlessly shedding blood for her own gain. They worry that, just like with her sister, the pride would fall to chaos.
Together, the two could likely lead a pride to prosperity, to live in happiness and peace for years. Unchallenged and safe, but, unfortunately, the second’s desire for selfish glory keeps her from working with her sister, and the first’s hate for violence keeps her from being open to it too. And, with the King’s final breath, the pride falls into disrepair. The first is named the Heir, but the second, unwilling to accept it, rises up with a violent faction to overthrow the first. War rages for what feels like years, and eventually the pride splits into two, each sister at the helm of each. The two halves of a whole destined to feud and war for the rest of their existence, the two’s hatred for one another carrying through their bloodlines to their offspring and so on.
Over two decades later, the Grand-Children of the two sisters lead the Two Prides, still locked in a never ending feud of hatred. However, with drought taking hold, and famine beginning to plague the pride-lands of both prides, it pushes the two prides closer and closer, battles raging even more between the two for food, water, and territory. Now, they must consider some new options if they want to survive the summer, not all of them are very favorable. They can either leave in search of new territory, or try to expand theirs by taking over another pride’s territory and adding it to theirs. Or, finally, possibly reuniting the two prides in hopes of becoming a dominant pride in the area that can work together and survive the harsh summer until the Monsoon season comes and brings with it everything they need.
The Rules
- All Lioden Rules Apply
- No God-modding or Power-playing
- Minimum of Semi-Literacy; Aka nothing less than a Paragraph [3-5 Sentences]
- Activity is a Must, Don't join just to never post or drop out.
- No Drama Llama please.
- Character Limit is 4 Characters for Now.
- For Lion Appearances, Items are allowed within reason. Semi-Realism is Preferred (No wings or unnatural colors). If you're unsure, just ask, I'm pretty chill.
- Be fair and realistic about Character strength. I want things to make sense, not stretch reality.
- Hybrids are limited, but accepted. Pm me first though.
- Character deaths will occur, but get the other Rper's permission first before seriously injuring or killing their character.
- The King for The Ridge Pride is up for grabs, but I'd like a Rp sample sent to me via Pm so I know it'll be a good match.
The Two Prides
The River Pride is the pride originally lead by the First Sister. They are a kind and peaceful pride, preferring to avoid violence unless necessary. They are quite bitter towards the Ridge Pride, and hold very little warmth towards them. They do try to avoid conflict with them when possible, but they will absolutely defend their borders with their lives. The River Pride, while wary, are open to strangers, and pretty much kind to everyone unless proven otherwise. They are a close pride, and they will happily accept outsiders in when needed. They reside in the more North Western part of the original territory, their main camp close to the large river that runs through it. The river also acts as a natural border between them and the other pride, as the other side of it is ridged and hard to get up and down, so it's rarely crossed, and it's deep as well for most of the season. So to cross it would mean someone was very determined. They have primarily grasslands, with very few trees and rocky terrain. Their main water source is the River, there are no other water sources in their part of the territory. Most of their prey choices are Wildebeest, Zebra, and Antelope. They are lead by a Queen who is the descendant of the First Sister.
The Ridge Pride is the pride originally lead by the Second sister, and many of the lions are descendants from the faction that helped create the division of the two prides. They are a very fierce pride, which edges on the harsh side, and can be rather aggressive towards outsiders. However, they are close knit and have formed strong bonds over the year. They started off smaller than the River pride, and so they've had to rely heavily on each other at first, which has turned them into a strong pride even if their numbers are smaller. They live in the more South Eastern portion of the original territory that is primarily made up of more forested area and plateaus, and, oddly enough, the southern most portion is marshlands. Their main water source is the marshlands fed by the river, and one main watering hole on the opposite side. There are a couple of smaller pools in-between, but they're small and will dry up. Unfortunately, they are unable to reach the river from their side for the most part. Their prey list varies, but their favorite to hunt as a pride is Water Buffalo. However, Impala, Warthogs, and other animals are on the menu to. Wildebeest and Zebra aren't as common, but sometimes herds will travel through their territory and they will pounce. They are lead by a King who is a descendant of the second sister.
The River Pride Hierarchy
Second in Command: [Must be Male]
Lead Huntress:
Healer Apprentices: [Max 2]
Tamu Temporaru/Pending/On Probation
The Ridge Pride
Second In Command:
Lead Huntress:
Umiligo [Heir]
Ilanga [Heir]
Healers: [Max 2-3]
The Rogues
All Male. Rp sample Required.
Note: I am fairly new to the Lioden Forum, so it's kind of a constant WIP of me trying to get better.
Note 2: This is for general chat about the Rp, and such.