Posted by Hidden Markings Passing Adjustment

sky [20 bo 2k g2
ferus] (#137655)

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Posted on
2018-11-15 08:19:36
I've never quite understood why people breed kings with more than 10 slots -they're more expensive to breed, and if you want ANY of the markings on their hidden slots, you'll have to pay even more to see them! You'll always get only the markings that the king has on 1-10.This makes any nice marking you're lucky enough to breed, if found in one of these slots, almost useless (unless you have the funds to reveal it on everyone you breed it onto!)

Therefore, I am suggesting that hidden markings should have the chance to randomly roll onto any of the cub's normal slots. This wouldn't affect So a marking that was 11 on the stud could be marking 4 on the cub, but a marking that was in slot 7 on the stud would still appear in slot 7.

I didn't explain this very eloquently, so if any of you have any additions/concerns let me know and I'll add them to this!!

This suggestion has 10 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/11/18 @ 08:21:58 by skyfalls [cherry patches] (#137813)

zoe (#70400)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-15 08:23:56
It's very usefull! I don't like this hidden markings stuff too!

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