Posted by | The Howling Winds: A Warrior Cats Roleplay |
![]() SamisThor - Rosett & Okapi Boi (#96245) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-11-20 07:36:52 |
The Howling Winds is a proboards based Warrior Cats roleplay. Currently, the only spot filled is Hollyclan's leader spot. That means deputy, medicine cat, etc. are all open!! There's also only one clan, in the near future, people can band together to create their own clans in the unclaimed territory. There is a monetary system in place, which I am still figuring out, but as soon as I have that down, then the entire clan creation and store system will be put into place. ~~~~ Hollyclan's territories to the south was demolished by foul smelling two-leg beasts. Running as fast as their paws could take them, the members of Hollyclan fled northward at their medicine cat's urgings. Their leader, Hollystar, had a vision as they fled. To the north there would be a mountain, reaching far into the sky, with a cave inside where they would be safe. There would be a river, and water fall nearby, and plains where the elk would roam would border their wood. Starclan told him that when he saw the adder fall, they would be home Whilst trekking north, they encountered a pack of wolves. Thinking quickly, Hollystar sent his deputy, Speckledflight, with the queens, kits, elders, and injured warriors. He passed on the knowledge of his vision to her, and reassured her that, yes, he would catch up with them. He, and many warriors died in battle with said wolves. Speckledflight and the medicine cat pushed forwards. Eventually, they'd found home, as Speckledflight bore witness to an adder falling to its death off of what would then be known as Adder's Fall. Finally, they were home. ~~~~ Site Rules Character Sign-up Sheet ![]() |
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