Posted by Male Lion Slots
DarkHeart (#159199)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-23 09:45:49
I have noticed that once you get a certain amount of territory it is 2GB per extra slot, which is fair enough.

My question is why can the same not be said for male slots? why do the extra male slots have to be so expensive? I would have thought territory would be more expensive than male lion slots.

I am sure I am not the only person that has a load of males in their dens that they have to make hard choices over, to keep or not to keep?

I feel people would prefer that both male slots and territory were the same 2GB amount to extend on, as many people like myself are not made of gold beetles or money but would still love to keep the male lions they get and not have to make the hard choice of removing them.

This suggestion has 10 supports and 3 NO supports.

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