Posted by 2 August Decors [19 total supports]

antek234 [clean 9x
vitiligo] (#123747)

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Posted on
2018-12-04 08:54:20
I've got some nice (i think) idea recently, i think some people may like it.
So these Decors are... Fluffy Tail and Belly Mane/Fur

Fluffy Tail
Some thick fur on tail (like Snow Panther/Tiger/Leopard tail), These Decors'd get some interesting colour schemes like Glorious Mane decors do.

Belly Mane/Fur
This one'd look like Barbary Lion mane on belly. It'd get colours like Onyx, Black, White, Cream etc.

Let me know if you like it!/ tell me why don't you like it :)

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Edited on 16/12/18 @ 14:11:38 by antek234 [clean 15x vitiligo] (#123747)

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