Plot Summary
Two rival clans have been tossed together after the valley they shared was ravaged by a sudden flood caused by a dam break. The roleplay will begin immediately after the flood waters have receded enough for the cats to start trying to piece things together. Characters will be in small groups made up of cats from both clans. I'll let everyone know here in the main chat which group you will start in!
-Natural pelt and eye colors only please!-
-No powerplaying or godmodding.-
-I expect to see at least two well rounded paragraphs per post. Give the others in the roleplay something to work with.-
-Please keep all off topic chatter off of the roleplay thread. Chatter and planning is more than welcome on here on the main chat!-
-Fights will be permitted to go on for six posts (three per combatant) before a winner is determined. If the winner hasn't already been decided by the players, I will use a random number generator to decide the winner. A dice roll will also be performed to determine the severity of any injuries. Every fight carries a small risk of death for each character involved.-
-You may not join the roleplay with a kit. However if you decide your character will have a litter, I will do a dice roll to determine the mother's mortality. Each litter carries a small risk of death, with the first litter having a slightly higher chance. If the mother dies, any kits she has will die as well. You will know before breeding if your female will survive so that you can decide whether to proceed or not. If you decide not to breed her, you will have to wait six months in roleplay time (six weeks IRL) to try again.
For litters that the queen survives, dice rolls will be done for each kit to determine litter size and mortality.-
-I reserve the right to add new rules without notice. Check this post often.-
About Valleyclan
Unlike other traditional clans, Valleyclan has decided on a different way to set up their ranks. Rather than having a single leader, these cats decide on three cats to lead them. These cats are called Councilors, and each one is given nine lives from Starclan like the leader of any other clan.
Each Councilor then selects a cat to be their proposed successor. These cats are known as Delegates, and are similar to the deputy rank in other clans. They help to arrange patrols and lead hunts as well as handle minor problems. When a Councilor loses their last life, the clan will decide if that cat's Delegate will be the new Councilor or if another would be a better fit. If a Delegate is passed up, they simply remain a Delegate for the new Councilor.
The other ranks work the same as other clans!