Posted by B&W (character sheets)

Prince [side] (#57707)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 17:20:32

Main Roleplay Thread


Black and White
Character SheetsOOCRole Play

If you're looking for a good image, I suggest using Flickr (creative commons). Although EternalOcean and Khalliysgraphy (DeviantArt) both have amazing wolf photos.

STATUS (sled team or wolf pack)
DESIRED RANK (hp ranks aren't first come first serve)

— strengths (max 3)
— weaknesses (min 2)

— scent



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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 00:17:25 by Prince [side] (#57707)

Prince [side] (#57707)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-17 18:19:57

Khalliysgraphy on DeviantArt

NAME pameiyut "amei"
AGE six years
GENDER cis female
SEXUALITY biromantic bisexual
STATUS wolf pack

PERSONALITY amei walks with an air of nobility, she knows her place, and that place is on top. she regards everything with a certain amount of distance, preferring to see the whole picture, and rarely making on the spot decisions, unless she has to. despite her cool nature, she is very attuned to her pack-mates and their concerns, basing her decisions around their wishes, she considers herself more of a guide than a commander. although she has no trouble stepping up to take the reigns, she finds it beneficial to listen to what those around her have to say, although she prioritizes the consultations of her betas. confident, and relaxed, she isn't nearly as icy as you may think, often very friendly with her pack-mates, she has a tendency to tease. however outsiders are met with unwelcoming formality, subtly laced with threats, as her main priority is the safety and preservation of her pack. if there's no perceived threat, she often takes on a more playful nature, or perhaps toying would be a better word, as she's more akin to a cat with a mouse than a friendly pup.
strengths thoughtful, good nose, agile
weaknesses hostile, developing cataract in one eye, endurance
APPEARANCE amei is rather tall, reaching thirty one inches at the shoulder, but rather lightweight, about one hundred pounds, with a lean, narrow structure. her face is long, and pointed, baring some resemblance to her cousin the coyote, although her ears are smaller, more triangular in shape. her coat is dense, but rather short, even in winter, really only fluffing out about her neck and shoulders, giving her an even leggier appearance. she's very warm toned, with light ginger and cream fur, minimal amounts of black accent her topside. her eyes are a dark shade of amber, the right has a more burgundy hue, while the pupil has a subtle blue sheen.
scent sharp like pine needles, and clear like ice, with a subtle undertone of raspberry

aomaris while she appreciates his consistency, and thinks he's rather useful as persuasion, she finds his approach thoughtless, and his unwillingness to be open makes him less pliable, and a poorer confidant.
conasterian she finds steri's youthful eagerness endearing, and may or may not favor her a little bit for being half blind, a fate which she herself will eventually meet.
ciaran she hardly considers him a true pack-mate, and is often unconcerned with his presence. he seems weaselly, but she hasn't a reason to drive him out. however she could have sworn she'd seen him up at night, playing lookout, an intriguing fact, but she hasn't had the mind to really investigate as there's been more pressing matters.

OTHER finished
PLOT IDEAS oh... you know ;)


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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 03:42:37 by Prince [side] (#57707)

Prince [side] (#57707)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-17 20:29:02

galianoganster on DeviantArt

NAME luath
AGE four years
GENDER cis male
SEXUALITY biromantic bisexual
STATUS sled team; border collie
DESIRED RANK swing dog

PERSONALITY luath is exactly what you'd expect of a dog from his breeding, he's alert and energetic with little sneaking past him. he's high strung with an excess of energy and finds it difficult to simply stay still, often pacing around if there's nothing for him to do. it's rare that he actually settles down and when he does it's never for long, just until the next movement out the corner of his eye catches his attention. he's got an instinctive need to herd people, or things, and is often found nosing his team-mates along or gently guiding them by pressing with his shoulder. he's often tense and nervous, making him very reactive to any form of stimulus, and while good during sledding, can make him less predictable in normal confrontations. despite his generally worrisome nature he's very snide, and tends to be insensitive to the feelings of others, even with his group oriented mindset.
strengths alert, tenacious, quick
weaknesses reactive, tense, physically weak

APPEARANCE luath is about twenty six inches at the shoulder and only about forty five pounds, built entirely for speed, and to some degree endurance, over brute strength. for the most part he's lithe in structure, with a disproportionately large chest. he's got a lengthy muzzle, a noticeable stop, and big upright ears. he's got a short, and fairly silky pelt, mostly white with patches of black fur; about the left side of his face, back, and tail. his skin is very light in the white spots, and would probably burn in the sun. his eyes are a very dark shade of brown, blending into the black on the left side.
scent airy, yet dense, like cotton, with a smoothness like yogurt.


OTHER eurohound; a mixture of seppala, siberian, and border collie, with a touch of greyhound
PLOT IDEAS Oh... You know ;)

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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 07:27:20 by Prince [side] (#57707)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-17 22:48:51


Aomaris (Pronounced Am-ar-ees)

6 Years




Beta (Strength)

Aomaris is a reckless, snarky male. Unlike the beta that used intelligence to get their way, Aomaris used aggression, brute strength, and intimidation to get to his place as beta. Giving off a constant 'look at me and I'll rip out your throat' vibe, he has little to no problem using the bloody way to ensure the safety of his alpha, second half, and pack as a whole.. even if it meant needing to kill. He doesn't seem to be good at showing most emotions such as grief and fear, labeling as weaknesses that will get him killed; therefore he somehow feels as if he's not bonded to the pack completely, and is surprisingly more introverted than somebody would expect.

Physical strength. confidence, eyesight

Reckless, short tempered, speed

Aomaris is very large, having long legs and an overall muscular build. His height being thirty five inches and a weight of one hundred and twenty pounds. His head is wide and forehead his broad, his muzzle is thick and short with a dark black nose, the ears on the more shorter scale. A deep scar starts on the back of his neck that travels to half of his back. His tail is large and is the fluffiest thing on him. Aomaris's fur is quite short, his coat is of brownish-orange, tawny like coloration with lighter throat and cheeks. His eyes are narrow, deep copper brown.

Like heavy smoke from a fire, with a hint of wet rock



He'll probably having a bit of a potty mouth. So expect a bunch of ridiculous, made up curses from him. >;p

I might add on to this in the future...


(This one is a wip currently~!)

STATUS (sled team or wolf pack)
DESIRED RANK (hp ranks aren't first come first serve)

— strengths (max 3)
— weaknesses (min 2)

— scent



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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-12-17 22:54:06



5 years old.



Desired Rank
Team Lead Dog.

East Siberian Laika.

Arman has always been a quiet canine, his moods seeming to change with the wind. One day could be spent contently in the company of teammates while the next he’ll prove so volatile no dog will want to be around him. He's a proficient leader with a reserved nature but is never afraid to speak his mind or issue out orders. He appears to be morally ambiguous, never seeing things as solely black and white (pun intended), always looking for the varying shades of gray in-between.

He can be more open and playful in the presence of close friends but otherwise is somewhat unsociable. Not much appears to spook the fellow, but he's so claustrophobic he can't sleep within enclosed spaces. He’s infamous for his dry sense of humor and deadpan expressions, likely coming across as dreary and dull. Arman certainly isn’t the most exciting leader around, but serves his team well and appears capable of doing what needs to be done. His typically calm demeanor masks a far more ingrained ferocity, one the team has yet to see.

Arman is an average sized dog at 26 inches, weighing in around 51 pounds. His build is slender, muscular and compact, exuding both strength and grace. His think, double-layered coat is predominately black; white fur covering the lower half of his muzzle, throat, chest, underbelly, paws, up along the insides of his legs, the underside of his curled tail, across the shoulders and creating a line down the middle of his face.

His oval-shaped eyes are a striking shade of pale blue and his head is wedge-shaped with a straight, pointy muzzle that ends in a dark nose and a broad skull, alluding to almost wolfish appearance. His pricked ears are well-furred and round out at the tip, meant to prevent heat loss, though they are notably larger than they should be. Several healed over scars part the fur around his shoulders and face.

Sturdy - Athletic - Intelligent.

Distant - Moral Ambiguity - Aggressive.


Speaks with an accent as he was born and raised in Russia as a dual purpose sled/hunting dog before being imported to his current country/team.

It's in his breed's nature to respond with extreme hostility towards wild predators.

Plot Ideas
I'll come back to this, hopefully.




De, Dede.

4 years old.



Desired Rank
Team Wheeler.

Alaskan Malamute.

Kindly and empathetic, Denahi is always willing to lend a paw to those in need, a shoulder to lean on, or at the very least an ear to listen. It would be uncommon to see this guy without a smile on his face or a warm glow in his eyes, and he appears to have an almost endless supply of optimism. He isn't quick to fight, certainly having the strength to push others around, but often chooses compromise over bloodshed. Denahi would rather settle scores without resorting to violence if he can help it.

An extrovert to the extreme, he appears to enjoy being around others, dogs or otherwise, and rarely takes time to himself. Denahi is highly dedicated to both his owner and the rest of the team as a whole and considers time with them well spent and never a waste. He always does his best to be considerate of others and will be the first to apologize after an argument, as even he doesn't have an unending well of patience, though it does appear to take quite a while to find the bottom.

A giant ball of fluff. Denahi is exceptionally large, reaching nearly 30 inches at the shoulder and weighing in around 100 pounds. His frame is solid and heavy; he's a dog more than meant for his role, bred for strength and stamina. His head is wide, broad muzzle ending in a liver colored nose. His face is almost wolfish despite his snout not being quite as tapered as a true wolf, his almond-shaped eyes a vibrant shade of gold. His ears are small and flopped, which has led to some confusion among both humans and fellow Malamutes.

He has snowshoe type paws, large with rough pads and blunt claws that help him move over snow without sinking. His thick, double layered coat is a deep reddish-orange, turning to more of a cream color around his throat and along the underside of his bushy, curled tail while his muzzle, legs, chest, underbelly, and paws are white. Two reddish marks break up the paleness of his face, located on each side of the muzzle beside each eye.

Brawn - Endurance - Compassion.

Speed - Naive - Overly Forgiving.


For whatever reason, his ears never pricked up like those of the typical Malamute as he aged, perhaps hinting his bloodline isn't entirely pure. His size seems to confirm this theory as well considering he has grown much larger than he should have.

Plot Ideas
I'll come back to this, hopefully.



Image credits go to Kati H. on Dawntheives. Clicking on the images will redirect you to the source.


2 years old.



Desired Rank
Pack Omega.

Canadian Timber Wolf.

Outwardly volatile and unpleasant. He doesn’t trust easily and expects the worst out of everyone. Ciaran spends most of his days keeping out of the rest of the pack's way, often only lingering among them when he is needed for a task. A general first impression of the fellow might be that he’s an extreme cynic with trust issues, and that assumption wouldn't exactly be wrong. While he will keep to himself given the chance, infamous for his sharp tongue, he’s been known to intervene if someone needed help and isn't lacking in courage despite his rank. He doesn't have many friends to speak of, if not for his low rank than his tetchy nature.

Ciaran isn’t a wolf particularly used to being treated nicely and views himself poorly. As such, he doesn't know how to deal with friendly canines and will still prove quite prickly even in the face of genuine kindness. An attitude like that rightfully tends to push others away, but should anyone prove persistent enough to stick around he’ll eventually grow less guarded in that particular individual's presence. He isn't without his talents, quick-footed and constantly vigilant. Despite a deep-set bitterness over his role within the pack it isn't rare to find him sitting guard while the others sleeps or keeping a close eye on the pack's younger members.

An inherently lanky male. Ciaran reaches an average height of 25 inches, though he is frighteningly thin, weighing in at a measly 50 pounds. Even if his dark pelt didn't give away his role within the pack, his emaciated frame would leave no doubt. The last to receive anything, a harsh winter resulted in many meatless days where nothing was left for the lowest rank, only desperation that saw him betray pack laws by wandering off to secretly feed himself when the hunger became too much. His weakened state led to few successes, but occasionally a mouse or hare was gobbled down in hasty, secretive bites. It is likely he would have perished had he not resorted to such disobedience.

His fur is short, a thin undercoat providing only minimal warmth. He's an oddity all around, predominately black with cinnamon colored guard hairs, white splashed across his chest and front toes; a glaring sign that somewhere in his recent ancestry dog genes were added to his bloodline. His right ear is twisted backward at an unnatural angle, a trait he developed during puphood with little explanation. His round eyes are a deep shade of amber, nearly orange, holding a dull, tired gleam. When healthy his build is naturally limber and lithe, covered in lean muscle, his gaze vibrant and feisty.

Quick - Alert - Fortitude.

Resentful - Guarded - Fragile.


Plot Ideas
I'll come back to this, hopefully.



All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 23:53:16 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Dane (#159718)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-17 23:00:19
Name: Conasterian "Steri"
Age: 2 years, 7 months
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual, will probably shift to straight
Status: wolf pack
Desired Rank: Delta

Energetic, playful, and loyal to death, Steri makes a wonderful pack-mate. She's easy going yet quite dependable. She gets along well with other wolves, though she likes to make a point that while her personality may be soft, her claws are sharp. This means that however kind she is, she will fight for those she loves. When defending something with meaning to her she can get quite stubborn and very determined, though usually still reasonable.
-strength: keen sense of smell, sharp ears, stamina
-weaknesses: kinda noisy, blind in right eye causing poor depth perception

A dark gray back fading down to silver, same pattern on her head. Silver starts at chin and runs down her belly; legs, paws, and bottom half of tail are silver. Gray is speckled very lightly with silver, inside of ears are silver. Brilliant blue eyes, right eye half closed and closer to a white color. Steri is kinda short and doesn't show signs of any more growth, maybe an inch a year or something, standing at 23 inches and weighing roughly 52 pounds, she still kinda looks like a puppy and certainly has the personality of one.
-Scent: dense as fog, with a strong aquatic smell.

Family: open
Relations: open
-Pameiyut: Steri loves how, by being Alpha, Amei proves that females are capable of everything the males are and respects her greatly. Steri looks up to Pameiyut(both literally and figuratively) and does everything she can to support her.
-Aomaris: While Steri respects Aomaris as the Beta, she has some doubts about him. His reckless nature will be the end of him, she believes, but she's too afraid to say anything about it. She thinks, though, that his rough outside is just a ruse because he's afraid of getting hurt. No matter what she thinks, Steri tends to stay out of his way, for fear of getting physically hurt.
-Icarus: Steri is very fond of the Intelligence Beta and often finds herself wishing for his knowledge. She finds him to be approachable and dependable. She believes there couldn't be a better Beta better than him.
-Cupid: Steri likes spending time with and learning from Cupid. As an older Delta, Cupid has more experience than Steri, making her a reliable source when learning to hunt and battle.
-Ciaran: Unlike most other pack members, Steri views Ciaran as one of the pack, though holds little respect for him. She's intrigued by his dark coat colors and bent ear, though she tries her hardest not to ask about either. She usually approaches him when no one is paying mind to her, as to not lessen the amount respect she receives. She isn't very daunted by his prickly personality, mostly because he's under her. She is a bit suspicious of what he does after dark but doesn't pay much mind to it, after all, he is only the Omega.

Other: none
Plot: might get back to this

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Edited on 24/12/18 @ 01:07:39 by Luna (#159718)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-18 00:22:29


3 years



Sled Team

DESIRED RANK (hp ranks aren't first come first serve)
Team Dog

Trifecta is a is a steady force. Her gentle composure and even-temper give her a rather elegant, relaxed air. Even being around her can have a somewhat calming effect on her friends, however attempting to read her emotions are not easy unless she decided to express herself. She is very tactful when making decisions, to make sure that everything she does is right or close to that. To strangers she can be cautious, often coming off as hostile, which can't be good in most situations. You dont know what strangers have hidden, you have just met them. They could be anything, and you would have no idea.
When you get close to this fae, she starts to worry more about you rather than herself. She would risk her own life to make sure you are okay, and if you are not, she will stay by your side and help as much as she can. Trifecta respects her allies greatly and expects the same respect and kindess. If she does not receive that, are you considered a friend?
Trifecta can be pretty adventerous. If she isn't pulling at a sled shes observing her surroundings. She can get into some tight spaces and weird areas though, even though she tries not to go somewhere she feels is mot too good, curiousity takes the best of her. Theres also a very cruel side of Trifecta. She is merciless, and will not hold back from anyone that has done her or somebody she cares for wrongfully. A dog makes his or her own decisions, so they are at fault. Shes blunt with her opinions, no matter how nasty, and if you tick her off enough maybe she would go to cold glares or flashing incisors. She knows how to defend herself just fine, and she might want to show you how she defends herself!
Trifectas anger can take the bet of her, hwoever, like all dogs, but shes a bit more... extreme with it. Can't wait to show this side of this stronk baby!

— strengths (max 3)
+Loyal to the core

— weaknesses (min 2)
-Anger can get uncomtrollable sometimes
-Cares too much about her friendd but not herself

Image removed by moderator

Trifecta can be passed of as a wolf if you arent looking closely enough, if it werent for the white markings around her eyes and muzzle she could go along with most people believing she is mostly wolf, or maybe completely. She has a thick, long coat that is usually unkempt as shes never really a groomer type. This gives her a type of 'wild' look, and she actually likes it. Trifecta is on the bigger side, a little bigger than a female of her breed but not too noticeable of a difference. She has gotten a heavily built, athletic body, as it would make sense that pulling sleds most of your life can lead to getting a more fit body. She also has great stamina, being able to glide over large expanses of ground with ease. Her legs are strong and long(heyyy that rhymed), covered in thick hairs that prevent most of the cold, crispy air from breaking through. Even though it is common in Trifectas breed, her tail does not rest on her back. She lays it on her back occasionally, but not much.
She has narrow, slightly tilted brown eyes that go perfectly with her wedge shaped head, two small triangular shaped ears perked, constantly alert.
Her face has the most noticeable markings that she is in fact a dog. She has a dusty creamy coat, but on her face it seems to be more tan in comparison to her body. Her eyebrows are white, along with her cheeks. Her belly is a pale cream, covered in wispy fur.

— scent
She smells of a forest that had just went through some rainful, a foresty scent along with rain.




Ohhhh sweetie, I always have something up my sleeve ;)

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Edited on 23/12/18 @ 15:54:53 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183)

Lilysnape (#92961)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-18 01:11:38
curtesy of the film EightBelow

NAME: Aniu (inuit for snow)
AGE: 5
GENDER: female
BREED: siberian husky
SEXUALITY: straight
STATUS: sled dog
DESIRED RANK: lead dog

Like her parents before her, Aniu has taken up the roll as a leader among the sled dogs. As a lead dog she is a natural leader that cares deeply about her pack. Anyone that messes with her family mess with her. That being said, she does like her independence and doesn't like others eating dinner with her. No doubt due to the fact she has 5 brothers that always ate her food. Working as a team she is good as gold, but off work is a different story. She's a runner and doesn't like to sit still especially when the master's prepping them for the sled. She'd take off on her master if the opportunity presented herself...temporarily of course. When it comes to needing help it's a different matter and that's a sore spot for Aniu. As a leader, she's supposed to have all the answers so she doesn't like asking for help. Even if that is in regards to her health. She's notorious for chasing rabbits and has even helped on some search and rescue missions.

— strengths: loyalty, leadership, endurance
— weaknesses: patience, proud, food aggressive

It's no surprise that Aniu has been mislabelled a wolf from a distance with her sleek off white and black coat. All white paws and a bushy almost wolfish tail make it almost impossible to tell. Only her face with the white bald marking, jawline and ears make the difference. A dark almost black nose and hazel brown eyes complete her appearance. Her harness tends to be a pale pink/purple color though it has faded from prolonged use of it on numerous runs. She often is seen off work in a head harness of a royal blue for easier control of her when she's in one of her excitable moods.

— scent: Sharp and on point when directed to pick up a scent though there are some areas of scent that even she has a hard time with. It's not a perfect nose by any means, but it can certainly track a careless rabbit or lost tourist. Normally smells of peppermint and pine.



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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 01:42:01 by Lilykhaleesi™ (#92961)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-18 01:35:58
Src of pic

NAME: Sasayaki
AGE: 3yrs
GENDER: Female
STATUS: Sled Dog
Breed: Siberian Husky

Sasayaki takes after her name perfectly. She is a whisper in a loud crowd. Never heard or seen by many as she passes. She usually likes to sit back and observe the others. She is very hard working and loyal to her human. She often sneaks off by herself to just simply get away from everyone. Despite her breed being known for it's friendliness, Sasayaki is the complete opposite. She can be very sweet to her team and owner but strangers she is very wary of and let's it be known. She is very smart and loves doing tricks for treats. Yes this girl loves nothing more than to eat, as if a black hole stays in her stomach. When she isn't pulling the sled the Siberian husky can be found sleeping, eating, or annoying her owner with mischievous antics.
— strengths (max 3)
— weaknesses (min 2)

Sasayaki stands in at 23 inches and weighs about 52lbs. She has that nice soft yet thich double coated fur whit the sable marking. Her eyes are a soft greyish-blue color.
— scent
Lemon grass

Her team


OTHER. Has a habit of howling when she hears wolves or her teammates howl.

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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 01:45:31 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-18 07:19:33
NAME: Cupid

AGE: 5 years

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual (Straight)

STATUS: Wolf Pack

DESIRED RANK : Beta (Intelligence)

PERSONALITY : Cupid is a very reserved wolf, yet friendly when approached. She is very cautious and wary, and not very keen to strangers. However, she has good instincts when it comes to trust, and can be very blunt at times. She has a soft spot for pups, and can be very loyal to those she loves.

— strengths: Intelligence, Speed, and loyalty

— weaknesses: Strength and trust (clarification: She does not easily trust others, which is one of her worst flaws)

APPEARANCE: Cupid is roughly 25 inches and 56Ibs. She is a light grey wolf with white-ish grey undersides. She has white-ish grey circles around her eyes, which are a dark, royal blue.

— scent: Honey and cinnamon

FAMILY: none (both her parents are deceased. They had no other litters, and she is an only child)

RELATIONS: none (Open)

OTHERL: Cupid doesn't howl often, but it is a deep, sorrowful howl that makes one feel like crying. (so she doesn't howl a lot xD)

PLOT IDEAS: I'm not sure, but I may have a suggestion in the future :)

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2018-12-18 09:50:05

Source: woxys [deviantART, permission granted to use image]
5 Years
Wolf Pack
Beta [Wit]

Icarus may not be the strongest when it comes to physical combat, but his way of analyzing the world has made him a powerful opponent when it comes to mental agility. His way with words can leave some canines to be entranced by him, or even terrified of what power he may hold. Life is a game, and only those smart enough to know where to move will make it to the end successfully. Past failures are met with disdain and an almost petty way of fixing mistakes, a critical gaze watching for as long as it takes to understand what went *wrong*. On his best days, Icarus is a charmer and a pleasant wolf to be around. On his bad days, he's a snake-tongued wolf, every word a subtle threat. Thankfully, these days are rare, so long as the pack is in good health.
Most of the pack see the male as a powerful member. He may not be as strong as his counterpart, but he is worthy of his rank nonetheless. His loyalty to the pack is a strong bind, and each wolf is aware of this. He is expected to not only prove his place as a beta, but make the others of the pack want him to be one of their superiors. Each day he spends with a new pack wolf, learning their story and making sure they have no concerns. A kind gesture, no doubt, but also an easy way to learn of new information- gossip is common between these meetings, and he would never pass up the chance to learn.
— strengths(max 3)
Observant, Endurance, Intelligence
— weaknesses (min 2)
Over-analyzing, defensive, vengeful, sharp-tongued
Icarus is a fully white, large male wolf with regal amber eyes and a dusty colored nose-bridge, his body built more lean than most males. His body is covered in thick fluffy fur, visible scarring present on the patches of thinner fur from previous sparring. Despite his large stature (32 inches), he isn't nearly as much as a fighter as the second Beta. Things can be handled in ways other than brutality.
— Smells of mulch with a faint scent of wildflowers

[Icarus was the only white pup in the litter, as a heads up if you make him a sibling]
Amei - He sees her as the mix of both attributes a beta needs- intelligent and powerful. He has faith in her to lead them, and is willing to council the alpha female if she needs his voice. She is the only one he feels he is comfortable sharing most of his thoughts and concerns with not only because of her rank, but also her proven ability to think through her decisions.

Pretty much finished uvu
None, currently uvu but I'm open to being involved in some other ones!
Source: woxys [deviantART, permission granted to use image]

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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 12:03:13 by WubWubBub (#46785)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-12-23 05:26:43


Credit goes to ElectricSheep on Flickr

:: Name ::

:: Age ::
Four Years

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::
Heteroromantic & Heterosexual

:: Breed ::

:: Status ::
Sled Dog

:: Desired Rank ::
Swing Dog

:: Personality ::
Kiska is a friendly dog, but she's soft-spoken; preferring to observe discussions and only saying something if she thinks it's absolutely necessary. She is, however, very intelligent, and others will see this intelligence at the times that she does decide to speak. Everything she says is carefully thought out, and she doesn't simply blurt things out. She has a very gentle, caring disposition, her calmness helping to balance out the more high-strung Swing Dog that races at her side. Though her quiet nature may mean she is overlooked at times, she's observant of her team mates, and will often be the first to notice when something's wrong with another dog and be there to help them. She's a natural at helping others when they're feeling down, but things get more complex when it comes to her own emotions. She's guarded, and has trouble admitting her feelings, even to those she's close to. She's also wary of new situations and people.

:: Strengths ::
Swift, Calm, Intelligent

:: Weaknesses ::
Guarded, Overly-Cautious, Reluctant to Fight

:: Appearance ::
Small for a dog of her breed, Kiska is twenty-one inches tall at the withers, and weighs in at exactly fifty-four pounds. A good mix of both spitz- and molosser-type breeds, she looks quite lithely built, but still has well-muscled shoulders and hindquarters to help her take long, powerful strides and propel her onwards. Her fur colours range from honey brown to lighter, creamy shades, and while it is only medium length, she is double-coated to help shield her from the cold. Her tail is straight and also medium-length, with only very light feathering. Her triangular, floppy ears and large, dark brown eyes give her a gentle expression.

:: Scent ::
A pleasant, earthy smell with a hint of wildflowers.

:: Relations ::
Open, PM me!

:: Other ::
Nothing I can think of at the moment.

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