Posted by Heaven and hell?

🦉 Strix 🦉 (#158064)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 18:55:33
When I click on King dynasties it show's a lion with a heaven like background (clouds and all) and the lion even has a halo, meanwhile the lion has -1000 karma. So I got an idea, what if when a lion has bad karma (evil) instead of having a halo and a heaven background there is a lava lake or rocky cave type area and instead of a halo the lion has horns? and if not horns they can have an angry expression.
I dunno though an idea like this seems like just extra work for xylax and the team and it doesn't seem THAT important it's just an aesthetic thing, I just think it would be cool if you checked a lion in your dynasties and shows that your past king is now in lion hell

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Brimstone Baby (#162908)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-17 18:59:11
If a lion manages to remain mostly neutral then their background could be the regular backgrounds?

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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 18:59:21
I like this idea, though something similar was also suggested here

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