Posted by How to: share wardrobe designs

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-12-18 11:01:39
Hey there! Given the success of Abbey and Kitty's contests I thought it'd be useful to make a quick guide for those that may not know how to share their wardrobe designs. There are four different ways of doing so, ordered by difficulty:

Create a link (Forums only)

To create a link leading to the lion you just designed in the Lion Wardrobe, simply scroll down until you see the Lion Code tab:


This url is too long for chat and if you just paste it in a forum reply it will break the table, but if you use the html code <*a href="url here">text of your link here<*/a> without the asterisks (*) it will convert in a nifty link for others to click and see the design in the Lion Wardrobe.

Saving the code

The next way we have to share a wardrobe design is saving it with the nifty menu we have at the bottom of the wardrobe page:


This will save your desing in the server for 30 days, and you will get a handier, shorter url which you can copy below the saving tab to share around that can also be shared in chats by simply pasting it there.


*Note: You can combine it with the previous way, but take into account the design will be lost once the 30 days are over, and you will need to edit the link code with a new url if you choose to save it again.

Using a site to shorten the url

The next way is perfect if you want to save a design but want it to last more than 30 days, which involves using a third site to shorten the big, clunky url. I use, but I'm sure there are many others around that you can also use :)

Taking a screenshot and uploading the image to an image hosting site (Win specific)

The last way we have is a bit more complex, and it involves the use of image editing software. First you need to take a screenshot of the wardrobe image by using the keys control and print screen: once you press these two keys together (ctrl + Print Scrn) you will have a "copy" of what could be seen in your screen at the moment you pressed it.

Once you have that "copy", all you need is to paste it in a compatible software' archive. If you don't use any other, Paint will be in your computer by default and can be used.

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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 12:21:01 by Berelf (#84593)

Millennium Items (#145135)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-27 01:47:13
Thank you so much! This was so helpful!

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