Posted by LF: Co-Owner, Mods, and High Ranks- Warrior Cats
Junkie (#156500)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 09:32:17
Hello there, you can call me Wish or Junkie!

I've been co-owner, admin, etc. of tons of Warrior Cats and D&D servers in the past and I've been working on my own for over three months! But, to make it the best it can be I'm hoping to get some help
Though a lot of the lore and settings are already done I need your help to flesh out a plot for the roleplay itself, help with gaining members, etc! This server, on Discord, will be literate, intricate, and detailed with a hopefully entertaining and interesting plots.
Centered around Norwegian Deities and Vikings, it's based around four clans in the Norwegian wilderness; Lightclan, Summitclan, Fogclan, and Driftclan. All high spots are open except for Lightclan Høvding (Norwegian for leader), including healers (Med cats), Peacekeeper (Deputy), Admins, and Co-owners!
If you're interested in one of these positions please PM me! I'll ask you a few questions to make sure you're right for the job and send you the Discord link so we can get started!

Thank you so much for your Interest!

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