Posted by Be My Roleplay Pal Maybe?

Lumi (#68965)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 15:09:58
Hello! I'm Christina, I'm 18 years old and I'm home on break so I decided to give this RP partner search thing another go!

Some Stuff About Me

-I like to do literate roleplays, with around 1-3 paragraphs per reply.
-I like plots that have some romance in it! I'm fine with MxM, FxF, FxM, nonbinary, etc, and I'm fine with playing any gender.
-On that same note, I love slow burn!
-I typically enjoy supernatural human rps or animal rps the best (species doesn't matter!)
-I love doing plot planning and playing with different ideas! I'm open to hearing any of yours, as I haven't had the opportunity to roleplay for a while.
-I like chatting a bit ooc, but I also don't mind if we don't. It's chill :)

Stuff I won't do

-Perfect consistency. I will do my best to reply at least once a day, and if anything we can make replies longer, but school consumes the majority of my time. On breaks like this, I'm free for the whole day and I can pretty much go back and forth, but I can't do that all the time!
-Anything dealing with eating disorders or self-harm. That's triggering for me, sorry.
-I typically don't like doing roleplays with canon characters straight from fandoms. AUs are okay though!
-Awhile I don't have an issue with mature content, I don't like it being dragged out if it's not significant to the plot.

And...that's about it! If I seem like I could be someone fun (lol), feel free to post here or PM me

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Edited on 24/12/18 @ 15:11:37 by Lumi (waiting for GMOs) (#68965)

Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-16 19:23:45
I'm interested

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Whisper (#169109)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-17 17:17:23
May I join?

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⚜ Kattata ☕❅ (#28406)

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Posted on
2019-02-18 03:59:37
omg you sound perfect for me aaaaaa

My current obsession favorite brainchild is a Supernatural AU (I'm trying to collect a small group for it, which you can see me shamelessly plug here, but since it's taking so long I'd also be up for making it 1x1), or I have a few other plots I haven't typed up yet if you're interested? :D

I totally get the once-a-day during the school year, and I'm fine with that! At the moment I'm on leave from my job to heal from a surgery, so I'm available all day just at the moment too! Were you thinking Discord or here on the forums or?? *SO EXCITED*

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Whisper (#169109)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-18 08:13:19
I'm just starting here so maybe discord would be easier. My name is @whisper#4092

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