Posted by Lionesses An hunting

AlexanderTheGreat (#78121)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 20:40:58
Just something that popped in my head. I thought it would be cool to add a bit more to the hunting.

Like the way you sometimes get scars from hunting, what if depending on what tile you put your lions, their level, an the kind of game on the title there's a chance one of your lionesses could get injured. Like a sprained paw or skin wound ranging to a broken bone.

Depending on what type of injure it is, the lioness wouldn't be able to hunt for an hour or two. For sprains an skin wounds. An maybe not until a day for broken bones. Though broken bones would be a very very small chance to happen with high level lionesses. But it makes since if you send a lvl 1 lioness on to a tile with a substantial amount of big game [such as Savannah] while inexperienced. Obviously the chance is smaller if that lion is with an experienced group. But still a small risk the rookie might get ahead of themselves an make a mistake

Just thought it would be interesting if you had to be more strategic with the placing of lionesses. An since high lvl lionesses speed up the leveling of lower level lionesses it wouldn't be hindering to hunting for stat raising or selling food.

I've thought of newer players an if they send 5 level one lionesses. That's why it should also be dependant on your kings skill level. I know your kings skill already contributes to how good your lions hunt. If I'm not mistaken. Sorry if I'm wrong. Your kings skill can also contribute to how often your lower level lions have a chance at getting hurt.

Even if a group of low level lions went out to hunt. If one of your lions is gonna get hurt it would only be one of them.

An the chance for getting hurt increases as the lioness starts to show their old age. Experienced or not


"Oh no... Your Lioness [Name], got hurt while hunting in [Name of tile]! She won't be able to hunt again for a while :'( [time length your lioness is on cool down]"

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