Posted by OH MY...Wenet?

Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 12:54:31

The Theory

(Sorry in advance if someone has already mentioned this theory).

I know what you're probably all thinking 'Are you insane? Wenet doesn't have anything to do with the Great Hunger...'.

Now, you wouldn't be entirely wrong in thinking that. Our Wenet (the older, rabbit lusting one) has nothing, not a drop, to do with January's event. But the past Wenet (a terrified, starving cub); she certainly does.

A good start to this theory would be to actually tell you what it is about. :3

I theories that the first time we actually encounter Wenet is not during the April event, but instead during the starving cub encounter when you can recieve a cub decor (note that the cub that stays with its mother looks incredibly similar to Wenet).
Decor Cub (not Wenet)
Cub Wenet

It is my belief that following this encounter, Wenet (and potentially her mother) survive the shortage of prey, and either Wenet's mother dies some time between that point and Wenet reaching 3 years old (when you claim Wenet and she joins your during the Rabbit Hunt event, she is 3 years old), or Wenet survives January but her mother dies of starvation.

Wenet's Rabbit Munching Obssession

I have two ideas for the origins of this. The most likely cause is due to the starvation Wenet suffered as a cub. Animals (I've experienced this in real life myself) that have been starved, even when they were too young to remember it, can become extreamly possessive over food and/or become incredibly greedy, eat any food they can get their hands on. This is likely the explaination for Wenets...eating she is still subconciously suffering from the trauma of intense starvation she faced as a cub.
As for the other theory, I'll add that later :D.

The Looks

And finally, arguably the most convincing part of this theory...the looks.
Adult + Cub Wenet

Initially, after a while of comparing the two images, I actually got disapointed because I thought that the cub only had pure blue eyes (Wenet has a mixture of green, blue and red (known as glass)), however if you look closely at the cub's eyes, you can see that they have both blue and green in them. While the absence of red in the cub's eyes might cast doubt on this theory, the fact that the red is not visible even in Wenet's own eyes in the default lioness pose allows us to assume that the absence of red in the cub's eyes is just due to the angle of the picture (just like Wenet's).

The tail colours are also incredible similar. The Wenet cub has a brown ended tail that progressively gets blacker as you go up the tail which is exactly what adult Wenet's tail does.
Adult Wenet Tail

There are loads more similarites in appearance, such as the paws and facial markings/colours, but you can easily see them for yourselves in the comparison images.

I'd love to know what your opinions are on this theory!

(Wow...That took longer than expected O-o. I think I got a bit carried away ).

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Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 12:59:06
There is also this decor LINK

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 13:01:27
Seen this mentioned several times, and I 100% believe in it. It looks just like Wenet

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dark dragon (#4756)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-01-05 13:01:36
Headconnon fully accepted!
I thought the cub looked like wenet!

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Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 13:17:42

Ooooh, that's really interesting. That décor would back up my secondary theory of Wenet's origins (the one I haven't written), in which Wenet's mother dies during January, due to starvation, and that Wenet kills rabbits as an act of revenge. This is because in April there is so much food that it actually harms the lions (the rabbits have stopped the bigger game from entering the land), but just three months earlier, Wenet's mother died because there was no food and Wenet was left alone and starving. Wenet blames the rabbit for her mother's death and the resulting suffering and trauma Wenet faced as a result of her mother's death.

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Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 13:18:43
Happy to see I'm not totally insane (other people see the similarities as well)! :P

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♥ True

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-05 14:10:32
Omg then looks just like her!

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SevenZee [Ice
Withered] (#161370)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 14:11:47
The decor name with supposed-Cub-Wenet getting snatched away has always been the odd part of this theory for me.. who's "Rüppell" and what's this supposed "Revenge"?

Aside from that I 100% agree with the potential headcanon/theory that the cub is in fact Wenet, the looks are far too similar.. they could have colored ANY cub design they wanted, but instead used VERY unique colors..

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Edited on 05/01/19 @ 14:13:58 by SevenZee|RykosLynx (#161370)

Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 14:52:22

I definitely agree with what you are saying in regards the to the Rüppell Revenge. The revenge part I honestly can't explain to you (maybe it is something we will find out in time. Through an encounter or something?). Rüppell is actually a species of vulture that's native to Africa, but that's all I could find on it. I've tried looking for reference to this encounter (or the other Wenet ones) in other even encounters, but I haven't found anything :/.

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dark dragon (#4756)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-01-05 14:54:49
Vultures revenge against lions? Hence the decor name but it could be a big picture thing? And we may not have all the pieces.

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Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 15:21:20

I'd be more incline to say we haven't got all the pieces yet because the vultures would have no reason to enact revenge on the lions (no more than any other carnivores at least). Something like a hyena would make much more sense if it was just and act of vengeance against lion kind. :3

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SevenZee [Ice
Withered] (#161370)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 15:39:30
Actually.. you fight Vultures off of food a lot in Encounters this month. Vultures revenge could entirely be referring to their revenge on lions for stealing food from them by snatching a lion CUB to eat themselves.. but maybe Wenet managed to somehow escape? After all, 'Revenge' could just be referring to the fact the vulture managed to snatch a cub at all, not necessarily that it managed to later kill it..

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Lunastar [Ferus]
[Quad Onyx] (#97406)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 15:43:11

Oooooh, you're right, I hadn't actually thought about that! ^-^ That could be the explanation behind the decor.

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dark dragon (#4756)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-01-05 21:30:16
Hmm the mother chased a hungry angry vulture away from food again and again and again then it would want revenge possibly? Or its chicks died because of lack of food perhaps? So it tried to snatch a cub for food but was unable to kill it.

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deertush🍆 (#50864)

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Posted on
2019-01-06 00:43:43
interesting theories~

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Ruler of Lions (#17158)

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Posted on
2019-01-22 21:19:52
Oh dang, I think you are right

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