Posted by Adol stages?

korat (#134478)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 22:50:21
So yeah, we got the cub stages,, newborn and young then a regular cub pose
but what if there was a stage for adolescents!
so you first have the regular adol pose, then determining what type of personality they have, kind evil snarky all that good stuff when they’re almost ready to grow up say,,, 1y 10months they have their pose. i also suggest that this doesn’t cost anything, here’s some poses i thought of!


Neutral: a nervous borderline calm expression, the pose will sorta be like the leopon adult pose ( female) i thought it looked kinda nervousy
( nervousy- is that even a word???? )

Snarky: Snarky adol pose will be like a adult smilus mutation pose ( male ) but facing right and looking straight. at. you. somewhat like a type of “ go away “ or “ leave me the hell alone” type of look!

Evil: The evil pose can be like,, mmm how do i explain this when i get the idea i’ll put it somewhere

Good: The good pose will be sorta like the felis primal ( female ) pose, but like there’s a softer expression , or their eyes can be closed in some like “ welcome back “ type of feel

Kind: Kind could be something like neutral but more cheerful looking lioness

So what do you think?
Support or not, i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts!!!

This suggestion has 9 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/01/19 @ 22:55:44 by Quinxels(Quinx) (#134478)

glo // (#164827)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-01-05 22:59:16
i don’t see the point... the adol pose is pretty good as is anyways. you already have to pay to pose the adults, why would this be free? the only reason the poses really even exist is to know how to react to wild lionesses.

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-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 23:05:19
I agree with mintyvin. Poses for the adols wouldn't make much since.. It would be a TON of extra work for the art team every time a new base or markings came out. We already have around 204 bases, plus hundreds of markings. Imagine how long it would take for each of the markings and bases, not to mention mutations, to be updated to adol poses. The cub stages are 10gb to keep them permanently on your account, and once a lioness dies the pose goes with her. This would be a pointless addition to the game due to the sheer number of recoloring and such the art team would have to do every time new markings and bases came out. No support.

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korat (#134478)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 23:46:30
well damn ok then

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korat (#134478)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 23:49:59
mm ok then ig

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Edited on 05/01/19 @ 23:52:27 by Quinxels(Quinx) (#134478)

AnimeWolf56 (#33369)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-01-06 07:20:53
i like the idea of new poses or facial expressions ect. for adols, but i think it should be worth gb like all others

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