Posted by Searching for BOTW RP

RuneMoon (#155681)

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Posted on
2019-01-08 16:21:56
In particular, I have both a Mipha and a Link muse, though my Link has been more prevalent. I've been interested in doing Link x Sidon or Mipha x Link lately, and if anyone's interested in a 1x1 by Discord, read below, then DM me:

Must be 18+. Due to my own age (27) and the potential developments that RP can take, I am not going to risk my own well being by writing with anyone under the age of 18.
Must be Literate. I write paragraphs. Between 1 and 3 is normal for RP with me, and I prefer people that are well spoken and willing to match their partner's length.
Must have Discord. I have no interest in violating anyone's TOS, nor potentially risking getting any kind of issues. Discord is easy, and simple to keep track of.
Be patient. I have a few major health issues that can affect my ability to reply, so I need a partner willing to be patient with me.

If you can abide by this, message me, and I will HAPPILY give you my Discord.

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