Posted by Territory space ideas

(Love's here) (#159074)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 06:06:54
Hello! This is my first idea, and if it looks like shit, thats because i cannot write.
I have an idea:
If you build a cave, you get 1-2 (2 for last den) extra territory, because the den has space?
Or, perhaps, you can upgrade caves, giving you territory?
Upgrades would take: x2 the previous stones and leaves, feathers (random), sb, maybe vine would be a new thing?
If you do not support, please tell why!
If you do.... also tell me!

"I kind of like the idea of improve caves, but I think that they should give some benefits, for example, the unsorted lions are less happy than the cave lions and their mod and hunger go lower faster!

The improved caves are saver for the cubs, so they have less risk to die or something like that!

Or maybe different ways to improve them, like, if you add skulls to your cave your Hunter lionesses have more chances to bring big carcasses!

Or if you add feather your lioneses need less materials for their nest!

Idk, just some ideas!!" - DrunkHedgedog (PoopMe) (#86439)

i agree with DrunkHedgehog, there should be benefits, otherwise it would be wasting materials. Later cave slots would also take some gb, of course, because it would be unfair to get benefits for only materials and sb

This suggestion has 42 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/01/19 @ 04:55:45 by 🐾Tranquilstar (Mut admirer) (#159074)

DrunkHedgedog (#86439)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 09:53:39
I kind of like the idea of improve caves, but I think that they should give some benefits, for example, the unsorted lions are less happy than the cave lions and their mod and hunger go lower faster!

The improved caves are saver for the cubs, so they have less risk to die or something like that!

Or maybe different ways to improve them, like, if you add skulls to your cave your Hunter lionesses have more chances to bring big carcasses!

Or if you add feather your lioneses need less materials for their nest!

Idk, just some ideas!!

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(Love's here) (#159074)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 10:17:33
i agree with you!

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Hannionic (#80676)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 11:09:04
I absolutely love the idea of the safer for cubs, but I think the 3 territory is to much, maybe just 1 or 2. I also fully support thedrunkhedgehog.

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(Love's here) (#159074)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 11:12:21

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TiredHybrid (#144980)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-10 04:28:00
I would appreciate this cause its harder to upgrade your cave once it gets to max cave space (by fighting)

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(Love's here) (#159074)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 04:31:40
why do people not support? tell me please so i can improve the idea!

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⤛ Rah (#156300)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 04:50:52
I think it's a cute idea, but it would essentially be completely changing the system of den and territory space?
Dens are just an organizational feature, a way to organize the lionesses/subbys&heir you have independent of territory space. We have Sub Male slots, Frozen slots, Lioness slots, and Cub slots- all "territory space" sub-categories that determine how many of each lion class you can have. We all get 3 dens made for sb and mats, after that you have to pay gb... just like after 40 territory you have to pay GB for each territory slot you want after that, or paying gb for extra sub slots too. While I certainly think that making better use of the den feature by adding other perks (rather than just having it be organizational) is a neat idea, I don't think it could be introduced very well without consequence.

For example, let's say they introduce this and people have 3 dens already. Do they get +3 territory spaces for each den they have, thus potentially saving themselves (or costing LD) the +2GB fee (if already passed 40 territory slots) or sb or the hour wait between attacking for territory (if under 40 slots)?... or do they miss out, and only people who make dens after that get the +3? Do you get +3 slots for each new den you build- so could you, theoretically, destroy the dens you have and then build new ones over and over (for the sb/mats fee) and keep expanding your +3 territory infinitely? I think a system like that could be easily abused, because it would change how we get territory and would either be unfair to people who already have paid for many dens (if they chose to expand, can't destroy and rebuild to get the bonus [to prevent people from abusing the +3 slots, if it's only allowed once per "den"/account], and paid for territory too!) if they wouldn't get the bonus... it'd just be a way to increase territory, and if they tried to limit the +3 bonus per account or something (to prevent abuse) it would just be equivalent to just giving everyone site-wide more territory ... which would make the bonus independent of den number, again (as it is now), which defeats the whole purpose of the suggestion because territory wouldn't be linked to how many dens you have. xD
Although I like the idea, because dens work independently of territory space (If I have 42 Territory and 3 dens, I could have 41 lionesses in Cave 1, 1 lioness in cave 2, and none in Cave 3 no problem) the whole "dens give you more space :3" doesn't really work with our current pride limits because when you expand the new territory space is not tied to any den in particular, rather the total number of each type of lion(ess) in your pride. If we were to tie the concept of space to a den, then it would make sense if those "extra spots" were tied to that particular den (so you can have 3 extra lioness per den, but not overall)- which then adds something the system has to keep track of, and just gets confusing because the total lioness count would no longer be a valid way of determining slots left.. you'd have the total lion count, plus having at least 3 lionesses(???) in each den but you can't move them out until you switch around others....
it just doesn't work with the current system. ^^

I do like the idea of dens/caves being safer for cubs (they're automatically assigned to their mother's den until weaned). <3 That would add another calculation for the system to do, and we already have items that improve survival chance as well as the ability to play with cubs or protect with broodmothers (for 100%), so it seems like the addition would be superfluous, just adding another calculation for the system to do at rollover when most of us either protect or rotate through broodmother protection our cubs anyway <3.
(Also, broodmothers per pride size are another incentive to keep expanding territory space since you get +1 broodmother slot every 10 territory on the 11th territory slot, which encourages people to spend their GB to get those last few slots past 40 xD Adding another way of ensuring cub survival could take away from that, but may be handy for those in-between territory spaces who have too many cubs to protect/remember to rotate them all).

Tracking which items were used to make the den seems... hard... to do, especially for caves already built, though I guess moving forward any "Bonus" would be applied when building the cave (and saved in the system)... again, another layer of calculations to do for the system. xD

Overall, while I feel the idea is cute, i've attempted to explain why I don't think it's feasible or possible given the goals of operation/motivation/incentive for payment in the current system and the complications that would arise with introducing, arranging, or completely overhauling what's already in place <3.

Cute idea though! <3

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