Posted by LF: Pokemon Roleplay Partner

Miles (#166781)

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2019-01-12 15:32:29
hello!! i am quite new to lioden, though i am not new to rping! i highly prefer discord and i can rp with multiple people on a one on one basis! though i do have some rules!

1.) do not spam me please! i can be kind of forgetful/unmotivated to rp for a day or two, but i will get around to replying! please note that i also have a job that i work 8 hours a day perhaps 3-5 days a week depending on my schedule so it can make me quite tired as well!

2.) LGBT+ friendly! while your character can be straight, mine will definitely not be! i just don't want to encounter any homophobia!

3.) Semi-literate to literate! i can be quite picky with people i rp with, i appreciate people who can do sentences-paragraphs! i don't expect the person to match me but i do need enough to reply to!

4.) i am not looking for a mature roleplay, please know this before you try to rp with me! i am fine with gore, but anything else i am not okay with!

things im okay with!!
- m/m, f/f and m/f ships! though i would like discussion / build up to the relationship before they are a thing!
- plots! i love plots, though there doesn't need to be one!
- multiple characters
- OOC talk! im absolutely fine with chattering!

things im NOT okay with!
- incest, pedophilia, abuse etc
- homophobia/transphobia
- canon characters! OCs only please and thank you!!
- mature rps (gore is fine)

Roleplay Sample

There were the sounds of Kricketot in the distance. The wind blew over the field of grass, cooling anything that it touched. The sun was high in the sky, no clouds nearby to hide it. The temperature was warm, especially for spring.

An Espeon sat in the field, staring off into the distance. At a distance, she appeared to be a pink and red speck. However, upon closer inspection there was more to her. The redness of her was simply her accessories, a scarf with a bow attached to it. At the fork of her tail was another red bow, one with a bell in the middle. Every time her tail moved, a soft ring would emit from it.

Red heart earrings sat at the base of her ears comfortably, her blue eyes judging the distance ahead of her silently. Her fur was short, soft and free of any dirt or grime. The Espeon could not stand mud in her fur, especially when she had the free time to groom herself.

"When do you think we'll get to the cave?" She cut the silence with her low voice, quiet as if she was afraid someone would hear her. However, there was nobody "By sundown, perhaps...?"
please contact me if you have any questions, thank you for your time and i hope to speak with you soon!!!

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