Posted by Flood Shop Decor - Bird Suggestions

Ti (Ice) (#135388)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-01-13 15:10:19
Since more decor are being added to the wet season's flood shop, I thought I would suggest a few bird species, since birds seem to be a pretty popular decor theme and there are currently only 3 species (rattling bird, shoebill, and cattle egret) in the flood shop item rotation as far as I can tell.

So here are a couple bird species that I think would fit well.

1. African Openbill Stork (Anastomus lamelligerus)
(Image Source)
-A pretty stork that feeds almost exclusively on snails and breeds during the wet season. They're big, they're dramatic and they're widespread over most of sub-Saharan African. Plus, there currently isn't a single official decor of any species of stork as far as I know.

2. Cape Gull (Larus dominicanus vetula)
(Image Source)
-A subspecies of the Kelp Gull, found in South Africa. Another very similar subspecies is found in Madagascar. Gulls are more marine than wet season, but the flood shop also has the kelp decor, when kelp is an exclusively marine group, so I think it would fit. Lioden also doesn't have any official gull decors - the closest thing is the grey-headed albatross.

3. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
(Image Source)
-Ospreys have a cosmopolitan distribution, and are found throughout most of Africa. They pretty much exclusively eat fish, so they're only found around bodies of water. They're also very dramatic looking, and would make a great decor - especially in a diving pose.

I might add some more as I think of them. Let me know what you think, I appreciate feedback. c:

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•L Ä M P
πŸ’‘• (#152383)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 15:13:02
Omg I must have an osprey owo

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Liosmirk β›ˆ (Clean)
πŸ‚ (#127804)

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Posted on
2019-02-01 00:21:09
Yes pls on the gull- I was setting up a decor scene and a gull would have made it perfect.

The other birds are great too!

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